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50 Shades Of... Well...You Decide

Updated on January 15, 2015

Now That's Sexy...NOT

The 50 Shades of Grey book trilogy that has now become a movie that will be released on Valentine's Day 2015 has many waiting breathlessly to see it. It seems that even those who have read all three books in the series overlook the basis for the story line in favor of the sensationalism of the BDSM sex. Looking past the sex to the storyline, the main character is a man who is locked in mental and emotional torment. The background that molded him into the "lover" he is is far from sexy. In fact, it's very sad.

Christian Grey...Abused Orphan

Sadly, Greys' mother committed suicide when he was only four. The poor child was left in the apartment with her alone for four days, eating frozen peas out of the refrigerator and snuggling up to her dead body until the pimp finds them.Gray is then adopted by the emergency room physician who treats him hen he is brought in. He doesn't speak for a period of time and carries cigarette burn scars on his body.

Sexy....uh huh...sure...

Here's To You, Mrs Robinson

At the age of fifteen Christian Grey was "taken" to be a dominant (i.e. object of abuse for sexual gratification) by an adult, married, female. Fifteen is well below the age of consent and it legally considered sexual abuse of a child. One has to wonder If any of the fans of the book series were to find out that their own fifteen year old child were being used by an adult in this manner if they would still find it arousing and sexy. My guess is probably not.

The abuser rationalized that she was helping him deal with the anger of his mother's death and channel his emotions in a healthy manner. Yeah, lady, that's really healthy.This abuse continued for six years until the abusers husband discovered what was going on and beat her badly enough to put her in the hospital. This did not completely stop her though, she picked out Grey's victims for him. How thoughtful of her.

If you are getting turned on by this story line, call your therapist, NOW.


An Abusive Contract

Now we see Christian as a 27 year old wealthy, but traumatized man, his wealth established with the help of his kind <gag>, abusive former "Sub." He finds himself an innocent, lovely virgin and gets her to sign a contract allowing him to control her right down to her clothing choices. In short, takes over her life. Being thrilled by this handsome, rich man who seems so interested in her, she falls for that crap, hook, line and sinker. My, how romantic. A man to control your every move, be jealous of everything you do, yell at you and call you stupid. Just what every woman wants. Being verbally degraded and assaulted coupled with being struck to the point of wearing bruises and scratches is every woman's dream. NOT. Just a little word of advice to the men who are buying into the promotions for this nightmare "romance" that is it an instruction manual for how women want to be treated. Fellas...try this on a real woman and you will probably be the one with bruises, sitting all alone at the curb wondering what went wrong.


And the Beat (Down) Goes On

In the last book of the trilogy we see the main character going for help, but the damage has already been done to his poor, dumb, sweet, Ana and is being passed on. In one passage of the book we see brainless, little devoted, Ana excited and thrilled about having her baby bump flogged by Christian. Yes, folks, she is pregnant, with a daughter, her second child in this sick relationship. Afterwards, when asked by baby daddy how the baby isdoing, Ana giddily replies that the baby is dancing in her womb...she must love sex already. My, what a life that child has to look forward to. Sexual abuse in the womb,what will they think of next? I don't even want to know.


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