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Boredom Be Gone: Lesson 21- 1984, etc.

Updated on May 14, 2020

Study Guide Questions, Book 3, Chapters 1 and 2

1. Where is Winston at this point, and why is he there?

2. Who else is there, and why?

3. What happens between the starving man and the chinless man?

4. How did the words “room 101“ affect the skull- faced man?

5. Who is O’Brien really, and what do he and Charrington have in common?

6. How is Winston treated at this point?

7. What does O’Brien attempt to teach Winston?

8. Explain what O’Brien means when he says that the Inner Party does not make the mistakes of past totalitarian governments.

9. How does the shock treatment affect Winston?

Assignment: Finish reading the book. Study Guide questions will be published in several days.

Answers to Study Guide questions, Book 2, Chapters 9 and 10

1. Orwell included so much detail from Goldstein‘s book to give the reader a clear picture of what happens with a totalitarian government.

2. The three classes that have always existed are the high, the middle, and the low. The Inner Party members have more privileges, servants, better food, and better housing than the other two classes.

3. The purpose of war is to Keep people in “fear, misery, and repression.”

4. Two of the Party’s goals are to maintain the hysteria of war and hatred of the enemy. The two problems with which they are most concerned are thought control and killing millions of people without a warning.

5. The governments of the three super powers foster a hysterical atmosphere, are self-sufficient, are always engaged in war to get rid of resources in order to lower the standard of living, have oppressive, hostile governments, and cannot conquer each other.

6. The slogan “war is peace” makes sense in that while Oceana is at war, the people will be at peace with each other.

7. The goal of the highest group is to stay where they are, the goal of the middle group is to change places with the high group, and the goal of the low group is an equal society.

8. Socialism appeared in the 19th century.

9. In the 20th century, socialism changed in that the goals of “liberty and equality” disappeared.

10. An elite group loses power if it’s conquered from within; if the masses revolt against inefficient government; if a strong, unhappy middle class appears; and if it loses its self confidence and willingness to govern.

11. The inner party insures that it will remain in power because “they control reality“. They feel that “whoever controls the past, controls the future.”

12. In 1984, one is born into a certain class, although class is also determined “by ability as determined by the Party.”

13. Doublethink is holding two contradictory ideas at the same time and believing both of them. This helps the ruling class to control history.

14. This ruling class will survive because it ”dislocates“ the sense of reality.

15. Winston realizes that the common people are kept in line by “controlled insanity.”

16. The glass paperweight signifies his dreams, “The place with no darkness.”

Answers to Lesson 20: Subject- Verb Agreement

1. people... do

2. John, brothers...have arrived (“brothers” is closer to the verb)

3. Time, patience...are

4. friends, teacher...brings (“teacher” is closer to the verb)

5. Students...are

6. seniors, principal...are

7. Each...doesn’t


9. each...needs

10. you, friends...are (“friends” is closer to the verb)

11. Everyone, needs

12. Problems, are

13. people, are

14. sleep, diet...are

15. Each... deserves


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