Breath of Summer
Summer’s breath
Inhaled by our home
The word of darkness whispered
While the young shout in the street
Exuberance pulsing in their blood
A wild thing dances naked
Through our rooms
Carried by summer’s breath
Whispering darkness tickling the ear
Scented with the sweat of youth
Revenant spirit come yearly here
Sweet in uninhibited desire
Her zephyr sojourn of whispered darkness
Breathing sweet images of sea and shore
Gifted from her eternally equatorial youth
In oaks that sigh like palms
Mockingbirds sing a tropical repertoire
A false morning by city lights conceived
In a wild spirit’s electricity
Whispered in the darkness
Somewhere off in the darkness
Fireworks in the distance
The city resting uneasy
Sleeping with a wild spirit
Her breath