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"Bring on the Sun" Rolly A. Chabot

Updated on June 27, 2012
© Quill Collection
© Quill Collection | Source


Welcome to a wet cold and windy Canadian June. It is touted as being the worse for rain and it certainly has been this month. We have though been teased with a few sunny days and they have been a blessing as I was able to get all the yard work I had planned completed. Still one more left and that is to paint the decks and the far to many fences I have. Any helpers... ?

Thank you all for staying in touch by email and Skype this past month or so and sorry I have not been around much. It is the season of getting things done. Tomorrow is tackle the garage day and get everything back where it belongs again. I think we all have garages like that. I can certainly tell you I have.

Not all that sure what I will be writing about today but help yourself to coffee, tea and what ever you can find... Just rest and lets see where my fingers take us today.

New Toy

© Quill Collection
© Quill Collection

Boys and Their Toys

Funny thing is when you reach what I like to think are the autumn years of your life you get to revert back to being a kid again and no one questions it. I was in a mall the other day and walked past this retail store. It caught my eye because of a window display of remote controlled helicopters. The kid in me said "You need this Rolly." Who am I to argue right. You see us guys can justify anything right.

Think they are easy to fly... well let me tell you they are not. At least not this model. All I did the first several days was crash. I was thinking I should have built a small cemetery for all the would be passengers I was carrying. They are a hoot to fly though. After a miserable attempt outside and having to trespass onto my neighbours yards a few times I decided I need to practice inside the house.

Mrs Quill has several plants in the living room which are now well pruned as a result. The good news is I have learned to fly the thing and buzz Quigley now with the greatest of ease. She is still very reluctant about this thing. I have collected several new little people friends now when I fly it outside. They just stand in fascination and are so full of questions. Just an old guy having some fun is all I tell the neighbours.

Storm Clouds

© Quill Collection
© Quill Collection

Storm Watching

I have always been one to love watching a good storm. This was taken last week of a storm that covered us in a fair amount of rain in a short while. It never ceases to amaze me the power of nature. We as people think we are in such control and yet at the sound of a crack of thunder and a flash of lightening we soon realize just how small we really are.

Dark ominous clouds have a tendency to draw me in. Try as I may I have yet to capture a lightening show. I have stood and waited and yet have never been able to quite catch one. This storm produce them one after another and I missed them all.

Many of you have come to know me through the books I have written in the series Quiet Reflections. A series written of a time when I lived in the Yukon. Tannis was a rescue dog that adopted me really and she was a lover of a great storm. We would spend hours waited on a pending storm. All I would have to say is "Listen" and she would sit after the lightening to wait for the thunder. Most dogs fear a storm but not Tannis she loved them. Quigley is in training. We sat outside in the deck this day and she would spot the lightening but would cower at the sound of the thunder. It will just take time is all.


© Quill Collection
© Quill Collection


Yet another attraction is cloud formations. I so appreciate this area as we have some awesome billowing clouds that form in the sky here. I can recall as a child laying on my back and looking up.

This was an interesting day prior to a pending storm that blew in that evening. Again I think we are all called to take the time to look up and see the offering we have been given. Take the time and I know that you will see something amazing up above. Tonight I was reminded of the need to prepare an emergency kit in the event we have some sever weather. Just some essential is all.

We have all become so accustomed to having power and natural gas to cook with I think it important to consider what would we should do in the event it is all taken from us. So I will be getting a supply together. We had a tornado touch down in this area several years ago that claimed a few lives and caused a great amount of damage in a resort near a lake. It was called a freak storm but we have been getting more and more warnings so best be ready or as ready as we can be.

© Quill Collection
© Quill Collection

Those Days

Then there are those lazy days where you can just sit and watch the world pass and come to the place of peace knowing you are fine. This was taken on one of the rare days this month where we have some sun. Every one in a while the sun would be hidden by a passing cloud. Just a reminder of of how quickly life can change.

For those who have been praying for Patrick and his family on a hub I recently completed @ I want you to know I have been contacted by Patrick and he is asking us all to gather again for the need.

Norah his wife has been diagnosed with TB and is in a facility being treated right now. Apparently the treatment and medications are covered under the Zimbabwe government system but Patrick needs to provide for her basic needs such as food etc. His faith is strong and yet he has to walk 8 miles a day to see to her needs with his very limited resources and it a great burden on him and his three children. It just again shows how quickly life can change. Patrick has asked that I thank each of you in advance for your prayers.

© Quill Collection
© Quill Collection | Source

Where we are

We are all in a different place in life. Some suffer with pain, others addictions and others with much burden and yet we all have the same thing in common. We all share this place we call life. I often think of just how fortunate we are and privileged we are to have been born here in North America in comparison to where Patrick was born. His struggles are many in a land which was once the bread basket of Africa.

It has been brought to ruin by people like its leader President Robert Mugabe and the laws and fear he has instilled into the people. Patrick has shared some things with me a man and his family should never need to see or be a part of. It is sad to think of what this man has done to the people of this land while he sits in the lap of luxury.

I would ask that your prayers as well be focused around the rebuilding and restoration of this country under leadership that has humanitarian morals and values. It is so sad when I think of what Patrick told me once when I offered to send money to help. "Rolly I would not make it home from the Western Union Office should you send money... all I ask is for your friendship and your prayers."

When I think of what we face in comparison it is nothing compared to what this family man faces. There is no work. There is no food bank. There is no help. All he has is his faith and a far off person he sends and email too when he can. And yet we complain yet we never fail to have food, shelter and above all love. Join with me in prayer please it is something we can do.

Know that you are all dearly loved... and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your prayers...

© Rolly A. Chabot


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