Bucket Lists, Hubpages and God
Because I Write Hubs
There have come to pass in my life some very awe inspiring events. On a scale of one to ten, they rank about a million. Since coming to Hubpages to write many moments have been good for my confidence. However, the story I write today takes the prize.
My love of writing has been life long. I often say that writing is as important to me as breath. Today that saying is more true than ever…
In mid July of this year, I received an email from a man who had found my profile on another writing forum. (one I did not follow through with because it was not as user friendly as I needed at the time) He was impressed and spoke of an interest in speaking to me about writing a book with him. Frankly, my first thought was that I could not think of a better come on line for a writer than this. His intentions were not even close to my first thought. I could not have been more wrong
Over the next three weeks “Paul” and I exchanged emails and I began to understand that he was in fact interested in writing a book together. This became more apparent after I sent him a link to my Hubpage profile and encouraged him to read my writing. His response was quick and he was pleased with what he read. He told me that he was even more convinced that he found “his writer”. He went a step further and sent the link to the significant people in his life. He asked for their input about his feeling that he had found what he was looking for in a writer. Each of them agreed that “she is the one”. ~smiling~
My interest peaked and I finally spoke to “Paul” on the telephone. I met with him the following day. Our chemistry is right on the mark for a working relationship. We find it easy to relate to each other. We have many things in common. Although there are many differences in our lives, there are many similarities as well.
In the weeks since our first meeting, “Paul” and I are developing a mutual respect for one another. We are on our way to both of us being able to put a check next to an item on our individual bucket lists. His book is being written and I am writing my first novel.
I prayed for the Lord to send me my hearts desire two days before I saw through my pessimistic view of that first email. I feel inspired, blessed, alive, humble, content and living true my hearts desire. I would have sold myself short had I asked for what I believed to be in my heart. Today I make a living do what I love as much as breathing in and out…made possible in part to Hubpages.
Naturally I must give all glory to God. He is, after all, the One who makes all things possible. I am His tool to use and presently I am very pleased with how He is using me and “Paul” to make a difference in one another’s lives.
~Good looking out God, You rock!~