By: Wayne Brown
A bubbling cauldron heated over a blazing flame
The spell soon to be cast on those yet named
Vampire bats hanging on the cave wall about
The depths of the cave, echo screams and shouts
A wicked witch’s brew simmers with evil intent
A cursed, boiling mixture with a wretched scent
Stirred by a hideous hag repeating an evil verse
Preparing this potion to deliver its curse
Red as the blood that the Vampire does crave
Filled with the rage of the Werewolf’s rave
A liquid so vile, so cursed, so acrid to smell
An evil elixir mixed of torture, pain, and hell
The ugly hag scoffs as her eyes glow bright red
She stirs at the brew as her verses are said
Moaning her ritual over this black bubbling pot
Cooking up her poison of vermin and rot
The full moon glows through the dark swamp fog
The flames heat the pot as they lap at the logs
The hag waves her hand over the black pot’s fare
And thinks of the dark fate of those unaware
A sinister shadow moves through the night
A hank of hair-hag with looks that so fright
Moving on her journey in this hour late
To curse a poor soul with a horrible fate
The last night of October draws steadily near
Filled with those horrors we humans all fear
The hag’s curse cast at the gong of the clock
Dare not venture out; keep all the doors locked
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