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Chapter 38: Rata-Tat-Tat

Updated on September 29, 2018
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M.D. Johnson is a poet, playwright, author, and blogger. She has a BA in English and a Masters of Management in Business.


Chapter 38: Rata-Tat-Tat, From Relica Enchanted Series, Volume 2

Just as love can transform someone from the soul outward for the best, so too can its lacking repossess one's soul and manifest all the darkness within, outward. This concept was best exemplified by one troll's life who went by the name, none other than Rata. He was beastly and grotesque, unattractive was an understatement. He lived an isolated life, and that is the way he preferred it. He was an introvert indeed, unyielding and deceitful in his manner, never getting along with anyone, for the simple fact he was a closed minded old fool, full of himself, unaccepting of others, thought he knew more than everyone else, and could never be wrong, not even in his opinion, a user and a liar, his whole demeanor a façade. However, you'd only gather this inside information by getting to know him personally, as the view of himself he showed the world when he had to, was quite the opposite, as if a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. No different from the priest or teacher I suppose who behind closed doors molests children, or the healthy, robust, award winning champion of athletes who abuses drugs behind the scenes, Rata, was a name befitting this type, with the main premise being deception. To have all the respect and trust of fans, who only have a surface view, but deeper in, it's quite the opposite.

Sylvan would need Rata's unique ability of digestion, and knew he could harness this troll’s DNA, as it was not completely dark and could still perhaps under the right conditioning be saved and restored. The thing about these types who put on a façade, is the simple fact that they did not always start out that way, and while they put on the disguise, while living an alternate life in the background, secretly they want to live up to the standard they set forth, but fall short, for one reason or another. In Rata's case, he used to be an elf until he lost the love of his life. The pain and torment, and lament of his bride, disintegrated his heart to ash, and he utterly became a troll, astonishingly. Of course a witch did play a part in this; he happened to make a deal that went awry and as punishment, a troll is what he was turned into. However, if he had the capability or capacity to love again, he could utterly be restored. Sylvan planned on making this happen one way or another, but just at the right moment would need to usurp from his blood when it grows pure the unique ability of the troll to digest all elements of the world and not be poisoned by it, as utilizing the stomach acids of a troll could wreak havoc and death to the creatures of the deep, to whom he would share it with, to impart or grant Adnaloy's wish for all the sea creatures of the ocean who would at some point unavoidable ingest plastic and die from it, and he would do this in order to pay her back for the service he would request of her in the war that was about to hit Selah.


I summon my rat

Troll of ages

Lost elf of wages

Your loneliness contagious

To all of your rages

I bind and I contract you

To love again


From the sight of the elf


I shall send to you, tonight”

Sylvan stated with such virility over a purple potion that began to glow...


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