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Chapter 48: The Fairy Feud

Updated on September 29, 2018
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M.D. Johnson is a poet, playwright, author, and blogger. She has a BA in English and a Masters of Management in Business.


Chapter 48: The Fairy Feud, From Relica Enchanted Series, Volume 2

For Fairies, though shy and playful,

May be children at heart,

But have powerful magical skills,

For there are fairies well-versed in the magic of:

Air and flight,

Plants and minerals,

Illusion and light,

Shadows and ghosts,

Flame and cold,

Fog and fluids,

Chance and myth,

Healing and shape-shifting,

As well as thoughts and dreams…

Contrary to belief, fairies don’t live exuberant, cute as a cupcake, care free, puritanical lives portrayed by Tinkerbell and the lot of them… The lives of fairies are chock full of drama and chaos and melodrama, a living soap opera if you will, comparable to Jerry Springer with a hint of Dr. Phil and Maury “You are not the father!” Povich. The myriad of drama that existed in the Fairy Kingdom made these famous talk shows seem rather premature to say the least. Affairs, cheating, lie upon lie, dirty little secrets and so forth ran rampant. It was a never-ending cycle. Some fairies had so much dirt on them you could make a mole hill of an ant pile. You’d think it would ruin lives and bring endearing relationships to a bitter end, but if fairies knew nothing else, they knew how to make amends.

Sylvan needed to harness the various powers fairies possessed to win this war and hoped all the drama wouldn’t get in the way. Their lives seemed like one endless drama series to the likes of Days of Our Fairy Lives, Fairy Generations and The Young & The Restless Fairies, The Bold & The Beautiful Fairies, Guiding Fairy Light and so on. The very fairies Sylvan was to contact to seal the deal, so to speak, or win fairy favor in this war -perhaps had the most drama of them all. Perhaps that was his ticket to negotiation Sylvan thought, but some fairy perils could not be fixed, not even with magic, as fairies possessed the most robust of magic, and if that couldn’t help sort out their drama, who knows what would?

The King & Queen of Fairies had two sons, Alfy, “Elf Power” and Pooky, “The Cute,” Fairy Princes, who were expected to wed and start new Fairy Nations, the only problem was, they both were in favor of and loved the same Fairy Princess, Abella, “The Beautiful.” This no doubt created jealousy, and competitive tendencies amongst the both of them to win her heart, and of course to complicate things further, she claimed to love them both and be unable to choose… Who wouldn’t want their cake and to eat it too, but two lovers, two princes were out of the question for just one Fairy Princess. She had to choose and fast…

Perhaps Sylvan could speed things along and propose a duel or competition, with the Princesses’ approval of course and that of the parents, King Oberon, “From Shakespeare King of the Fairies” and Queen Alfreda, “Elf counsellor.” The reason they wanted the weddings moved quickly along was because there were two other Fairy Kingdoms that needed to be established, as they were long overdue and had so many complications within the Fairy Townships, that required the Fairy Leadership of a King and Queen to rule over and establish law and order.

Sylvan as always had a plan B up his sleeve of course. He knew of a fairy, unlike any other who harnessed more than one gift or ability. She wasn’t a princess, but Sylvan could certainly fake that part with all the drama, debauchery and scandals that went on in the Fairy Kingdom, what’s one more he thought. After all, she was more powerful than any one single fairy in all the world of Selah, as each fairy was born with and mastered only one gift or special ability, she had them all, she just didn’t know it yet.

She lived an isolated life and wasn’t known to many, so of course it could work, the only thing was, convincing her to marry the prince who was unlucky enough to marry Princess Abella, but this special fairy, named Alysia, “Of Captivating Power,” was far more extravagant and refined than Princess Abella on her best day. Alysia would just need a makeover and perhaps a love spell, thought Sylvan, to seal the deal. Once these two fairy Kingdoms were established through matrimony, Sylvan could request the Fairy Kingdom’s participation in this war against Medea as a return in favor. He’d have a lot of convincing to do however.


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