Close To The Bone
Over the years, I have written a lot
of poetry on myriads of thoughts,
observations, - and experiences.
Inspiration has been like suddenly
coming across a breathtakingly
beautiful pattern formed by the ice
in a puddle on the lane on the way
to the mailbox or beholding a
full moon that seems so near
I could almost reach out and touch it.
My heart was stirred to write when hearing mournful messages whispering among wind-blown trees across the way on the side of the hill. These sights and sounds of nature just being nature seem almost to touch upon what life is "all about".
Always, words flowed expressing my impressions so naturally, there seemed no other way to proceed but to write them, let the words flow as naturally as the concoidial patterns in the ice or the glint of moon through the trees or the wind making those melodies among them, never considering or needing a purpose beyond that - just the expression itself.
Other less tangible thoughts, feelings and impressions seem to come in to me or to proceed from me to be shaped effortlessly by the magic flow into verses and pithy sayings. It feels as though I'm a mill into which or out of which raw material is fed which emerges into words I write - or do they write themselves?
Over the past years I'd shared a few of these tracks upon my soul with only a few close friends. You see, it's always "close to the bone". There's nothing glib about the baring of one's deepest feelings and soul. And they are that.
Even so, although the theme of LOVE is paramount in many of my poems, they've been the least shared. I tend to write about my impressions of these feelings to express my experience of them. It's a delicious surprise when they also seem to express others' impressions of them.
Feellings are often expressed in actions, though not necessarily. Sometimes they're expressed in dreams and fantasies or in inspirations for creativity. But it is human nature to feel and to express feelings of love and it is good. In the spirit of this theme and to share some with you here, I choose simplicity, because these are simple poems about the greatest of human experiences, which are not always the simplest, but which can be the most rewarding.
So in that spirit, from time to time, l bring a few of my love poems to you, to wish you and yours - an abundance of ~
Love is ~
The sustenance of angels
And if we mortals
Thrive on it
A little bit,
We're more divine
Than we supposed.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Sout's Troth Song
Had I never known you,
I would still have known you.
As the dammed-up river
Knows the ocean,
As a barren mother
Knows her child,
As the winter's robin
Knows the tropics,
I would still have known you.
And _ I do!______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Love is like an ember
That eternally burns.
Love, that is, that's real,
That lives, and grows, and learns.
Love is like a stick
That drives to higher deeds.
Love, that is, that's great,
That knows our wants and needs.
___© Nellieanna H. Hay (written at age 14)
I almost loved you
As a woman loves a man,
And it seemed good.
But reception became eroded,
But then
I learned - again -
To simply love you
As a fellow human,
And it became
Good again.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
If we supply the love
It supplies the answers.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
We put our heads
Together literally,
Touching - forehead
To forehead,
Feeling the flow
Between them,
Freeing the flow
Such intimacy creates.
Reaching throughout us
To deepest parts of souls and bodies,
Stirring every part to respond,
Spurring every part to love totally.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
An appetite
For moonlight,
A silver spoon
A mellow night.
Muddy boots,
A yellow wagon,
Rootless roots,
A fearsome dragon.
Tell me stories -
War's inglories,
Memories evoke.
Nevermind ~
It’s just a kind
Of going up in smoke.
~© Nellieanna H. Hay