Complexity on the Canvas
Complexity sits tense on the canvas where I erase a sketch askew
Failing to capture the strength you stand as subtle shades unglue
Truncated linear lines of a gentleman with an angry point of view
While the colors collapse on my canvas, surrendering to you
Enlist old photos that grace your honor uniformed in World War II
Saw sweet irony in a good man who could not abide a church pew
Calloused hands sculpted the poetry of the stone love we knew
While the colors collapse on my canvas, surrendering to you
A soft stalwart moon bathes the fabric in the light of your hue
While the flamboyant sun shied behind clouds to blush in lieu
And Narcissus lost face as you looked away from false to true
While the colors collapse on my canvas, surrendering to you
Quietly a rare facet catches a glint from deep eyes I pass through
Guardian angel on winged winds whisper love beyond mortal rue
Earthbound no longer, surreal holds the picture now absent a clue
While the colors collapse on my canvas, surrendering to you
Steadfast memories live timeless beyond the years faded tattoo
Diamonds lay on the ground you nurtured where I once grew
Precious spirit of inconceivable beauty holds the hands that drew
As the colors collapse on my canvas, surrendering to you