Concrete Backslide Machine
Heaven Heaven Heaven
Farther than the eye can see
Farther than the arm can throw
Farther than the farthest star
Wood is polished, wood is hard
Metal is harder, shiny
Trees made by God chopped down
Earth melted and made shiny
The mind is a beautiful thing
A mind is a terrible thing to waste
It's a terrible thing to lose your mind
The loss suffered is not serious funny
Those who could, did
Those who could't, didn't
Those who tried, failed
Those who succeeded, charged
Mincemeat mincemeat mincemeat pie
Chocolate nougat sourdough rye
Stir and stir and stir all day
Put it in the freezer then throw it away
Walking with the men who walked before
Walking with the men who walk right now
Walking with the men who will walk after
Walking alone together some nowhere
The ones who could see before others
The ones who determined what others saw
The ones who determined what others couldn't see
The ones who shut their eyes
Determinism determined to reduce
Reductionism reducing determination
Deconstructionalism delaying construction
Coughs and sneezles spread diseasles
Heaven heaven heaven
As close as your mind's eye
As close as your bare skin
As close as your personal star
copyright (C) 2012 christopher w neal all rights reserved