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Defining Cyberstalking

Updated on March 14, 2017  Royaltyfree Royaltyfree

Defining and Characterizing Cyberstalking

Cyberstalking was taken from the use of the Internet or electronic means to stalk someone) It has been defined as the use of information and communications technology, particularly the Internet, by an individual or group of individuals, to harass another individual, group of individuals, or organization. The behavior includes false accusations, monitoring, the transmission of threats, identity theft, damage to data or equipment, the solicitation of minors for sexual purposes, and gathering information for harassment purposes. The harassment must be such that a reasonable person, in possession of the same information, would regard it as sufficient to cause another reasonable person distress.

You work hard as a person very conscientious, a good person, obey the laws, want the best for your family. You are not malicious or have any ill intention and suddenly you begin to receive harassing e-mails, phone calls or these perpetrators are stalking you on Social Media sites such as Facebook

These uninvited visitors are categorized as Cyberstalkers. They are pedophiles, sociopaths, psychopaths, former exes, or people who whose some type of mental issue or low self-esteem.

CyberAngels has written about how to identify cyberstalking as it is a growing epidemic on-line. The following can be characterized as a true stalking situation: premeditation, repetition, malice, distress, obsession, vendetta, no legitimate purpose, purposely directed, disregarded warnings to stop, harassment and threats.

There are a number of factors that have been characterized and identified as Cyberstalking:

False Victimization: The cyberstalker will claim that the victim has been harassing him/her

Encouraging others to harass: Many cyberstalkers try to involve third parties, to harass and taunt the victim. They may claim the victim has harmed his/her family in some way or may post the victims[;s] name, telephone number, residence, in order to encourage others to join the pursuit.

Attempts to gather information about the victim: Cyberstalkers may approach friends, family, colleagues, the Internet to gather information. They may advertise for information on the Internet, they will monitor their victim's activities on the Internet and attempt to trace their IP addresses in an effort to gather more information about the victim.

False Accusations: Many Cyberstalkers try to damage the credibility and reputation of their victims by trying to turn others against them. posting false information on other websites. They post allegations about the victim to newsgroups, chat rooms, blogs, or other sites that allow public information.

Attacks personal computer: Cyberstalkers try to send malicious e-mails that contain viruses.

Arranging to meet: Children and teenagers face a greater risk of cyberstalking to try and set up meetings between them.

CyberStalkers Behaviors

Cyberstalkers tend to meet their victims on-line by using search engines, forums, chat rooms, discussion boards, and online communities such as Facebook, Craigslist, Friendster, and other known websites where people congregate or comment about themselves. They may choose to engage via email, or forums, chat rooms, or discussion boards or they could get involved with forums or engaged in direct harassment just to harass their victim. Many clearly identify they are being stalked while others never take heed. Cyberstalkers may research their victim's information aid in feeding their obsession and curiosity. The act of CyberStalkers may become more intense, by repeatedly harassing their victims so that they know that they are watching.

A common behavior for a Cyberstalker is posting derogatory or defamatory statements about their victim, trying to initiate contact. In some cases, they have been known to create fake blogs in the victim's name to promote pornography and containing defamatory comments.

When a Cyberstalker is prosecuted, many unsuccessfully attempt to justify their behavior based on their usage of a public forum. Once they get a reaction they will attempt to continue to track there victims activity on the Internet.

Facebook is a breeding ground choked with active stalking on a daily basis. Many who have been victimized have blocked their pursuant both on and off Facebook. Those who have a deeper obsession with their victim will set-up multiple accounts trolling, taunting while sending out friend requests, to friends and family of their prey.

Preventative Guidelines

There are preventive measures that you can do to protect yourself from being harassed.

A. Do not post your city, state or telephone number on Facebook.

B. Eliminate your place of work or business.

C. Block your entire friend's list on Facebook so only you can see who your friends and family. It is not necessary to be transparent.

D. Stick to the basics on Facebook. Lack of information makes you a smaller target.

If you believe you are a victim of Cyberstalking keep a paper trail, flag the comment, posting, etc. File a report with your local Police department. Do not run from him//she do your due diligence, stand above and push for prosecution of the stalker.

Have You Ever Been Stalked ?

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Who Stalked You

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Did You Report The Crime

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