Devil's Swamp
By: Wayne Brown
Vines grow thickly tangled in the tree of life
Spiders spin their trap strands like nets
Pleasure ebbs and flows like the tides of the marsh
Mosquito relentlessly searches for blood
Hell’s hot breezes blow stiffly
Swamp creatures hidden in the lagoon’s dark waters
Moccasin coiled ready to unleash a venom hell
Locust birthing in the shell not yet ready to wing
Tadpoles dot the greenish shallows
Hell’s blazing fire burn brightly
Barn owl flies with a toad in its claw
Crocodile eyes glow eerily in the dark
Cattails rattled by an unknown creature
Lightning Bugs flash like whorehouse neon
Sparks fly from the cracks of Hell
The slimy, green swamp moss covers all in sight
Night becomes the a concert hall of sound
The evil hiss, the angry growl, the screeching screams
Things going bump in the dark
Hot flames of Hell shoot forth in night
Thorns on vines, thorns on trees, thorns on life
Prick and tease, tear and rip to blood
Vines bind all and choke at the life
Moss in tree limbs hid the light of the moon
Hell’s lava erupts to the surface
All that crawls, walks, runs, swims is here
All the dark sinister evils of life
Hiding from each other yet consuming
Struggling to remain here
Bound in Hell’s hot chains
Not for man, woman, or child, this swamp
Evil lies in wait ready to spring forth
All things come here nothing ever departs
Eternity rests upon the green slimy waters
Hell’s flaming rage knows no bounds
Neither sunlight nor light of moon penetrate
Darkness owns the night, it owns the day
All here are blind, lost in the dark
Touching yet not knowing what touches
Hell’s heat chills to the soul of all
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