Out of life's messy mixture
Poetry rises to the top
Or settles to the bottom.
Highest aspirations,
Lowest tribulations
Expressing into words.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
~ revolving door ~
You seemed to be a door
Appearing - suddenly,
Unlike all other doors
Or any that would be.
Cautious, careful, curious
Was my approach,
Wondering if I should,
And if it is good
To try the latch.
Then swiftly,
Unexpectedly -
The other side!
Amazed, I gaze around,
I glance behind me.
There is no door!
There is no you!
I am alone!
Was I the door
That you passed through,
The other way?
If so,
Perhaps it helped you, too.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Threshold, unfold yourself.
Behold your inner treasures,
Radiating from the source
To course along
A misty glistening stream,
A wispy dream
Become reality;
Reality become
A better dream.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Only one
Who knows my heart
Will understand
Its words.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
We try
To explain
Where we are
When we
Want to get there.
When we arrive
Where we're going -
We'll still be
Where we are.
The journey
Is the thing.
____© Nellieanna H. Hay
Once I wrote,
Where have I been
All my life?
And then - I knew.
It's vital to re-know
To be renown
After a second lifetime
I still must be
To myself.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay