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Short Story:Daddy's Love: Part (9) It's of National Security!

Updated on March 8, 2012

“It’s of National Security”

It’s been approximately two hours now, since the FBI head man had left the room, but in his absence, the pastor remembered what he was told and felt the need also.

So the pastor spent all that time speaking with the Jefferson’s. the entire family was quite co-operative , what made it that easy was knowing the pastor for so many years, and trusting him.

The daughter remained in great spirits, but ever so often the Pastor could hear, in the in and out tone of her voice. She would have a tone of being a little concerned, and then, she will go of into this really quiet moment. Since no one could see her , and she was in between her Mom and Dad, all felt well.

The Pastor kept saying Give God the Praise, just about every five minutes or so and it felt comforting to the family, for they would answer and say Amen. Almost in perfect sync.

He had spoken to them over and over, letting them know that God is great, and everything is going to be alright. They already knew not to speak to anyone except the FBI, each other, or only the Pastor.

He told them that they may eventually split them up, but when, and if ever that happens, they must never forget to pray, and give God thanks, and praises, knowing that everything could have been much worse.

He told them, that there is going to be some very tough roads ahead he can almost feel it coming, as he said Glory to God! But fear not , God will guide us though.

We can not see for this moment, but always remember, this is all God’s work, no one else, but never become complacent because, you must remember that the wicked hands of the Devil is always close, and though he is no match, for the Most High God, it woyuld not be fotr the lack of an effort, at those who are weaker. But the Bible saysa : I can do all things through Christ who strengthened me.

He said let us prayer!

The pastor prayed for guidance and strength , he told the Most High that he is putting all their lives in his mighty hands, everyone said Amen!

About two to three minutes after, there was a knock on the door, the Pastor asks who it is?

AS voice answered : this is the FBI regional Chief John Peniski and my associate Mark Riggs, Sir.

The pastor opened the door and asks the men to come in. The Pastor then asked them, to have a seat and proceeded to ask of their other associate who was here with them for a while.

I can’t remember his name.

The chief said of yes, he is fine, you mean Chief De Riggs, yes he is fine. He went off for medical evaluation. He came down with serious headaches and pain in his eyes.

The chief said by the way, are any of you suffering the same symptoms, and is anybody blind?

The pastor said yes the three of us are, but the young lady said that she can see. The chief turned to the daughter, and said: can you see young lady? And she said yes Sir.

The Chief then said to them all, we will be leaving here very shortly, there are helicopters waiting on the roof of this building, but there are a few things that you must know, before we do.

He said: Your present situation is not something that can be easily explained, further more not easily understood. At this time your situation have already grown to become a matter of National Security. IT can only be handled by the very best in the land, the best in everything. You are at this time a National Treasure, nothing of this magnitude has ever took place in modern times.

Your every need will be met, and I have to say to you, that your lives will never again be the same. It may sound a little harsh at this time, but this is nothing, compared to us turning our backs, so from this moment on, you would have no choice than to trust us!

I can’t say I am sorry, because I am not, I am actually happy for you all.

One way or another, you have been chosen. The Chiefs phone then rang and he turned around to answer, and said OK , to whomever was on the other end of the line. Turning around he said: we must leave now!

The door opened, and there were people lined throughout the hall way on either side of the corridor, with semi automatic rifles in the hands. They were being led through, all the way to a waiting elevator.

As the elevator got to the top floor, the very same arrangement was in place, all the way to the helicopter. Then away they went.

To be cont………Bless:

All rights reserved:

Part (10)

The Disappearance!


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