Days of Reign by Elisa Hansen
If you love to read novels set in the future, then you need to read Elisa Hansens, 282-page book, Days of Reign. This futuristic book was published on June 29, 2018, by Elisa Hansen and edited by Becky Stephens.
Native Australian, Elisa has always wanted to travel since she was a little girl. When she isn't writing or traveling, she is cooking, dancing, painting or learning a new language.
Even though this book is science fiction, it is still about a girl and what happens when you come of age i an oppressed world. It is set in the future, where you meet Zelenka, who lives on a dystopian planet named Eldon which at one time was Earth. Here she has to hide her real self for fear of what will happen if she is caught by the government. She longs for freedom. Freedom comes with a price. She leaves Eldon for the utopian planet, Amaryllis but she leaves her parents behind. Will she see them again. In Amaryllis, you are free to do what you want. It is a different world, which is why the government on Eldon has declared war. What will happen when Eldon invades Amaryllis? Who will survive and what will happen with Zelenka? You must read the book to find out.
This book reminds me a little bit of the Hunger Games where it is the survival of the fittest. This book takes you into the lives of the characters and its like you are there. The characters are believable and they do change as the story develops. One of the characters, Fraco is Zelenka's lover. He does change throughout the book but it's believable. My favorite character is Zelenka because even though she lives in a world that is oppressed, she is still true to herself even if she hides it from the world. And at the end, she takes huge risks and leaves for Amaryllis.
The storyline is easy to follow and there are lessons to be learned. It captivated me from the beginning and I had to read it one afternoon. I found that even though there were many characters it was easy to remember who they are. I can't wait until I can read the next novel.
I would definitely recommend this book to those who love to read novels that entail science fiction, fantasy, some romance, futuristic, and crime. This would be for mature adults. I would recommend this because it is a great book that has a little bit of everything.