Denver Zombie Crawl 2013
In Denver every year thousands of people descend on the 16th Street mall in their own unique zombie costumes. This was my second year enjoying the festivities.
Zombie Crawl Poem
Tattered clothes, darkened stares
Bloody limbs and random scares
Gruesome forms walk with limps
Fear filled visions in every glimpse
Zombie hordes gather in mass
Downtown streets at an impasse
Undead soldier, undead nurse
Gathering of the diverse
Slowly strolling down the path
Imaginary aftermath
Parade of thousands at the mall
Another successful zombie crawl
This Year (8th Annual Zombie Crawl)
Judging from the crowd I would have to say that there were at least 9-10 thousand people that showed up.
I put a little more effort into my costume this year. I bought some old scrubs from GoodWill and splattered them with (fake) blood. I used a latex attachment to represent the bite that turned me into a zombie and I painted on blood and other details.
Pictured to the right are examples of what I did. This was all done with a pretty modest budget but still had just the right amount of effect. The clothes only cost me about $6 and the "bite" was also about $6. I already owned the paints so in the end it was a pretty cheap costume.
Official Denver Zombie Crawl Website
Pictures from this year (2013)
- Zombie Crawl 2013 - Denver - Slideshows
Thousands of zombies, ghouls, and zombie hunters gathered in downtown Denver for the annual...
Pictures From Last Year (2012) By the Westword Newspaper
- Zombie Crawl 2012 - Denver - Slideshows
Thousands of the walking dead converged upon the 16th Street Mall on October 20, 2012 for the Zombie Crawl.
Zombie Costume Resources
Of course in Halloween there are plenty of costume shops available to help you get the basics for any costume idea, but below are a few other resources that will help you make that perfect costume.
How to make your own zombie costume
Zombie Resources
- How TO Make a zombie costume! - Monsters and Other Mayhem
- How-To Zombie Makeup - Zombie Makeup Instructions
How-To Zombie Makeup. Learn how to apply zombie makeup in this step-by-step photo tutorial. Zombie Makeup is easy with these instructions. - How To Make A Convincing Zombie Costume In 30 Minutes (Or Less)
Look, we get it: zombies are, like, so chic right now. Follow these simple steps and you, too, can go bump in the night with the best of...
© 2013 Eric Niehoff