Diary of the Day
Plumes of clouds at sunset
Write their diary of the day
Upon a dusky sky
In innocence.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
My Ship - (Sung by Ute Lemper)
My love affair
With life continues,
Going strong
and always,
Compensation for hurt,
Release, so sweet.
See, again ~
Me, again,
Free again –
Whoopee, again!.
_____© Nellieanna H. Hay
closeup page
Poets are folks who find
Short long-term commitments
Encased in cryptic comments
about The Real,
Rejecting superficiality
With all its confusion.
Attempting to
Capture precise moments
In precise words.
It sometimes finds, embraces
The Elusive Eternal Now
Everywhere ~
In abundant profusion.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
page and pen
Surreal sunset
Simplifies ornate
Color schemes
For brief moments,
Betrays all dross,
Transforms all dreams
Denies all day's confusion.
A clarity emerges;
Its magnificence
Highlights the night
Back-lights the day
In colorful profusion.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
page and anchor
Can life forgive us
If we die of thirst
Upon her shoreline?
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
inside cover
Secret shimmers,
Secret sleeps,
Secret shatters
Or secret seeks.
Secret shivers,
Secret steals,
Secret starves
To be revealed.
Then secret blossoms,
Its wings unfold
Beyond the dream
Its secrets hold.
The verse which follows
Remains unrendered
In secret hollows,
Hidden, splendored.
Unspoken, adept,
Mysterious, alluring
Secrets well-kept
Remaining, enduring.
Imagination stalks
A path unclear,
Imploring, exploring,
It stays right here.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Whence -
Amid profundity
Gleaned askance
From out,
But never fitting
This Eternal Sleep.
Thence -
A wave to crest
Into another verse,
Another stance,
To capture flitting
Knowings, notions
Then again, to rest.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
I watch a drop of water quicken,
Dancing, rolling stealthily,
Accosting the downward slope
From tip of petal.
It zigged, it zagged
By staggered inches,
Searching out kinder, kindred paths,
Finding lazier droplets to consume,
With whom to merge,
And so, to grow and gain
Momentum and endurance
Till a gentle incline
Levels out its progress,
Tending the horizontal.
Stillness. Evaporation.
Becoming mere vapor
In dingy stagnant air.
Then I awaken.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Circumstances conspire.
Our private time soon ripens
a stirring of desire to be together.
Circumstances empower
being 'together' within oneself.
After that, self abides
just . . . being,
as water trickles and splashes
along its stream,
happily sparkling in the sun.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Each sunrise
Reflects your smile,
And summer rain,
The twinkle
In your eyes.-
My heart has room
For all of it
And more ~
To celebrate
Its bloom.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Curtains drawn aside
For light
Revealing that
They hide
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Note: All photography, graphics, and poetry copyrighted by Nellieanna H. Hay.