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Dreams of Our Life
Our dreams could be our future
We like dreaming about a better life
Welcome to our article (54), Dreams of our lives
Dear readers, in this article we are talking about, dreams of our lives, because I believe that most of us are dreamers and dream different things. You see, the dreams that we dream are two different types: the dreams that we dream at night, which are our real dreams, and the dreams that we dream during the day, which are those things that we wish we had.
In this article, we are going to write about our daydreams, therefore, our desires of what we would like to do in the future. So, the dreams that we are dreaming today, they are what we can create tomorrow. You see, today I am dreaming about writing this article about dreams.
Now, I have called this article dreams of our lives, but I wanted to call it dreaming away, because this is what we do during our lives. Yes, we dream what we want to be, or what we like to do; so, our dreams are not only the dreams that we dream at night, they are also our thoughts and our wishes during the day, that we can have in real life, if we are lucky. Because we may be dreaming an impossible dream, but that is the way we are, we always dream a dream that is bigger than us.
We dream all sort of dreams, some people will go to the extreme to explain our dreams, so, they say, that life can even be only a dream, a dream that we are dreaming and nothing else; so, one day we wake up and find out that what we have been dreaming does not exist.
As for myself I believe that I exist, and I am alive and well, and at this moment I am writing an article in Hub Page. I am writing this article about dreams, in the hope of gaining attention from my readers; so, I am going to tell you some dreams that I have had in my life, and they are dreams that we dream at night.
I need to say, that I have had important dreams during my life, that I have written and published, one of those dreams that I call the most important dream of my life, has been published in Hub Pages.
What we would like to be like
Dreaming our youth dreams
When we are young, we dream of doing great things, or becoming famous one day, it is so easy to think of being famous one day. You see, because we are surrounded by many examples, for instance, when we look at programs on TV, we want to be like the hero or the heroine of that show, or the actor or actress since they are famous people; it is normal, and why not at least dream about it, everybody wants to be a hero or rich and famous, because that is what the world around us is talking about, so, there is nothing wrong for dreaming about it, when everybody else wishes to be an hero or rich and famous.
But the question here is. Is it possible to achieve those things that we dream about during our lives? Or are those dreams that we are dreaming going to remain only dreams? You see, what we want or what we wish we had, they are two different things altogether that is the problem, so, our dreams can remain just dreams and nothing else. But we can try to achieve whatever we dream about; it is part of our lives.
When we are young, we dream what our life is going to bring us. If we are born in a poor family, we hope that one day we can become rich, so, those things that were missing, can become a thing of the past.
Every one of us has got his own daydreams, and we dream about the need that we have, so, our dreams are different to someone else dreams. Anyhow, we daydream, and then try to improve ourselves, if we can. So, if we are poor the most likely dream that we have is to become rich one day. When we are sick our dream is to get well again; if we are weak, we want to become strong, or even stronger than normal people. These are the daydreams; we call these daydreams because they are our things that are missing in our life, so, dreaming about them can even be helpful, because it gives us a purpose to achieve during our lives.
At this point of time, I believe that you want to ask; but what about the real dreams that we dream at night? Are they as important, as the daydreams? Or what can be said about those dreams?
There are reasons to believe, that the dream that we dream at night, are affected by our own personality and needs. See; Menfranco Dreamland Modified, Dreamland dreams and beliefs, these are two links that talk about the dreams that we have. There are more dreams, but they are religious dreams, these are the other links, Cosmic Spiritual Dreams, Dreamed about God, Now I believe that I have said enough about explaining dreaming away, so, let me say something about, my yesterday youth dreams.
Typical swing in the countryside
My yesterday youth dreams
Now let us talk about our daydreams when we were young; I am going to talk about some of the hopes and dreams that I had then, including other fellows that happened to be in a similar situation, as I was, in my small family farm in Southern Italy, because that is where I was living, when I was young, in those times life was hard.
So, we are going to write about some views of a young boy, to see how the boys that were living in the farms like himself, were coping with this farm life. What were our dreams? What were our hopes. Now, we expect to rip rewards from whatever we are doing, in farming is the same, but the rewards are in the hands of Mother Nature, we could only hope, that everything would work out all right, our dreams were that we wanted plenty of produce at harvest time that would last a whole year. Most times we didn’t, and so, we would start dreaming for a better harvest next year. So, even than dreaming away, would help a bit.
Now let us go back to tell you about, our farm life experience when I was young. In the farm we were busy with our farm tasks, but it was still boring in every other way, because our life was at stand still, especially the farms of Southern Italy, in the early fifties when I was young, so, any change of life style would have been welcome. But we could only dream about it.
You see, in southern Italy most small farm are separated from the town, not only that, but only menfolk and boys stay in the farms all the time, while the women and the rest of the community stays in town most of the time, so, if life was boring, this is also one of the reasons.
But in springtime things change for the better in the farms, as there are more contact with the town people, especially for young boys springtime is almost exciting, because spring makes them dream of better things to come, and spring is the season of love, we in the farm were not able to talk much, but perhaps we were ahead of the rest of the young community about love matters, because we witnessed it in the animal world, which is very much like our own world.
One of the things that we would dream about, was that on Easter Monday when most town people come to visit the farms for a picknick; we would prepare a swing that would be made of a rope tied to a tree branch. We the boys wanted to show-off, so, we would go up the tree while the girls were there and tie this rope up for the girls, and then if we were lucky the girls would ask us to push them. Wow! That was the best dream. But dreams sometimes can happen, and if you were the lucky one, you would push the girl on the swing. Anyhow, let us just dream about it; I Hope you see what I mean; even simple things like this would make us dream away.
Dreaming is part of our life
During our lives we continue to dream, when one is young, we dream for a better life in the future, hoping that it is possible to achieve. In this case the dreams that we dream are planning for a better life, so, even dreaming can be helpful, if we dream the right dreams and they can make an improvement to our lives.
I have dreamed many daydreams when I was young, about how I could improve myself using what we had in our small farm, but then I realized that no matter what I could do, it was not going to solve the problem that we had, which was poverty, since our farm was not big enough; you see, those were changing times that we were going through then, and small family farms were on the way out, it was better for us, if we could work somewhere else, but there were no jobs available anywhere, because the entire economy of these towns was farming; so, it was a hard life that we lived then, a lot harder than these present days.
One of the great differences about farming, is shown in my article in hub page, Farming today compared to the old way, in this article, we have described the great difference in the cost of farming, because in those times farming was done manually, there were a lot of man hours involved in producing wheat and other farming products, so, the farm worker had to be paid low wages to make ends meet; anyhow, we can compare yesterday farming to today’s farming, in this article.
Now because of all those negative things that were happening in farming, as I have said, I stopped dreaming about farming, and decided to immigrate to Australia. In Australia I have had a different life, because instead of farming I have been working in the building industry, here I became a bricklayer and worked most of my life as a bricklayer; for that reason, I have dreamed different dreams, most of which were how I could improve myself in my building position and other things. You see, I see that dreaming is part of life and I see planning what to do next is part of life. Now, what we have dreamed to achieve or have planned to achieve, sometimes it does not work out; when it does not work out we need to assume that we have done our best, and we should think that, sometime we win and sometimes we lose.
I believe that I have said enough in this article. Anyhow, whatever happens we can always try to dream a better dream. Anyhow, I better stop writing now. See you next time, where I am going to write, concerned about us all.
See you soon.