One day
I wondered when
The tale would end
Or how it would beguile.
So I came
But then
I vanished
For yet, a little while.
〰©Nellieanna H. Hay
Do souls refuse their heirs, elect
Inherit, or but perish them?
Did Dickinson, her muse select
Or Browning's seed infuse?
Is trivial so small,
Profound so very vast
That neither seed nor seedling
Could ever hope to last?
Are roots so damned eternal,
Truth, such layers of veils,
That all else fades and fails
Till all can be dispelled?
Will then the truth be clear?
Will purpose blend with being?
Will all our heirs and muses
Become one final Seeing?
Do not despair from discontent;
It visits all who feel.
Disparage not your detours;
They ferret out what's real.
〰©Nellieanna H. Hay
From out of disuse
Come lamp and pen.
I push off the dust,
Awaken dreams within.
The time is nigh
When they've come true;
And so have I,
Because I trust.
'Put on these garments!',
'The ones of knowing!
Begin where I left off,
By showing what I knew.'
And so I do,
Because I must.
〰©Nellieanna H. Hay
'Twixt time and time
and times suppose
The truth's abode
Slips from silent lips,
Upon sleep's silent ships.
We toss.
We count the loss
Of yet another
Crime or crimes
In silent rhymes
Of timeless episodes.
Yet follow fitfully
Follow dutifully
Follow faithfully
These rugged roads,
〰©Nellieanna H. Hay
This day's intense remembrance
Of those brittle times ~
The progress of a century
Defy appropriate rhymes.
Perception accounts for it,
As resonance mounts
Upon the vacant universe,
Still stumbling unattended,
While mortals prime
Their own inventions
With little sight or clarity.
I cannot conjecture how
Those lost days of Amherst were,
Without humiliation
For that vast unattended
Soul of it. . .
. . . . so much, the pity.
If I must go without
The perfect, fitting message
It is a century's loss.
I would to know their hearts
So clearly, so dearly
That I'd clarify their notes,
Their poems, their prose,
Their garden's daisy, rose, ~
The beauty of it all.
Which I could not envision;
Yet I do ~ compose.
〰©Nellieanna H. Hay
I looked on lavender and knew
What stars would never know:
The random bent,
The tenderest hue
Repeats itself eternally
Upon each flow'r below,
This air disturbed effusively
By subtle scent
Exclusive to its bloom,
While trudging mortal life
Is but briefly known
Betwixt its birth and tomb.
〰©Nellieanna H. Hay
Afterthought: the little 1986 journal where I found these poems
Another of my hubs about E.D.
- My Muse - Emily Dickinson
Friends commented that handwritten poems I'd shared compared with Emily Dickinson's; also that my life at the time shared elements with hers. She became my muse, with whom I feel deep kinship.
© 2013 Nellieanna Hay