I saw this cute picture the other day and it made me smile..."A Hot Dog". It also brought to mind all the "Expressions, and Slang Expressions" that have been made up over the years...And I wondered how some of it got started...Nobody really seems to know, or frankly care...But sometimes, don't you just find yourself using an Expression and thinking...Now I'm saying it too...and I can't help myself. So, here goes another Hub.
Lover Man and I are walking on the BoardWalk the other day...The same one that has become so Famous on the series,"BoardWalk Empire." It is all about the early days of Atlantic City and Nucky Thompson, (named Nucky Johnson on the show), even though the show is filmed in Brooklyn, NY, on an Enormous, Copied Replica, of ours here in Atlantic City. That's not what this Hub is about. But I just thought "I'd toot our horn" a little here in Southern N.J. "It's Good for Business"...Oops, did I just use an Expression, or two?
Ok, Ok, I'll go on...So there we are walking along, breathing in the Wonderful Salty air of the Ocean and catching little Conversations of others passing by. Two Ladies over forty, (they looked it) saying "Oh it was So Fun". That Slang Expression, drives me NUTS...what's that one all about? Why are we becoming SO LAZY with our tongues? For those of you under that age group...I truly understand...over that age group...NO! I won't say it...I'll say, "Oh it WAS so MUCH Fun.
We stop to look at the Ocean view and a young couple is standing near by...The young man say's "It's Not You"..."It's Me"...She, tearful looking up at him as she replies, "but I don't understand". I did! and Frankly wanted to BELT him as he went on to say..."We can still be Friends"..."Sure you can" I thought glaring in his direction as Lover Man gently took my hand and we continued walking.
Soon we are walking home taking a different street, when a Cat approaches us. It is an extremely good looking Cat with white paws and sweet expressive face, with big blue eyes. We both bend down to pet it, and as we do, it stands up, balancing on it's back two legs, as it start to meow, as if it is telling us it's life it WALKS from one of us to the other. We are amused as we stand up to leave and wave good bye. The Cat continues to follow us, and this goes on for two more blocks with the Cat MEOWING at the top of its LUNGS! We start to Run, and the cat Runs after us...We must look a sight! This woman say's as we pass by her. "It will come back to Haunt you...Shame on you, for leaving your poor pet"! "It's not ours, we yell as we round the corner. The Cat, thank goodness, as gotten tired of the chase.
That night I speak to my sister and we relate "Sisterly Subjects", the Kids, who she is Dating, things of that nature. After one particular story, I find myself saying..."It is what it is"...And I think to myself, now where did I get that Expression?...But I like it...and I find myself continuing to use it. My Sister calls back a few days later to tell me a story...and then she pauses...and says "It is, what it is"...And I think to myself, I guess it is!