Frankenwoman: A term of endearment for a woman who has undergone ECT or electroconvulsive-therapy.
Now no longer a stranger to E C T
Turn the screws in my neck.
Adjust the chemicals in my brain.
Connect the wires where they once were frayed.
Herd us in and out of the curtained stalls.
Your minions have their jobs.
Keep the conveyor belts moving?
Stick tubes in our veins.
Sink us into deep sleeps.
Shake and Splice. Seize our haze.
Arrive in the early morn
Blanketed by the night
Escorted by one son
Then the other
How this came to be:
A cog in someone else’s psychiatric machine
The cast is always the same
Loving hearts twice displayed
Balancing parts
Holding humanity
Have you changed?
Did the electric currents
Recharge your brain?
Have those thoughts that haunt you daily
Disappeared and Dissipated?
Battery-charged AC/DC
Exhausted from the boom and banging
Wondering who or what I am
Submerged in a fog
Confused and thinking loud
I am wheel-chaired to the car
where my son sits behind the wheel
ready to take me away from here
Now no longer a stranger to E C T