Elements of Serenity
Serenity is my adornment,
The gift of years.
I envy not that blank
Of childhood innocence, outgrown.
I am become a woman
There is no debt
Against it.
Calm waters bear
No wear and tear
From their past storms;
Nor I,~ from storms I've known.
~~ © Nellieanna
The ashes
Scarcely touch the ground
Till resurrection starts.
With life and truth
This sense of trust imparts.
And so it was.
And left for dead,
Soul staggers to its knees
To finally creep
Into the light of life once more.
Belonging now to no one else,
It answers for itself.
Ransom: cancelled.
Self-claimed remains arise
To walk in light forevermore.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
In midst of chaos
Does one fold and crumble?
Or, - if not, - how?
If one will but stumble
Into a place of inner peace
Which is at core,
-No matter what, -
It will prevail beyond
External shore.
Its nature is greater:
It's to abide amid whatever chaos,
Whatever piles of ashes
In one's wake,
Then transport to newness Now in store.
No matter old dreams' trashes,
They vanish like a flake
As serenity brings new dreams' rising, -
- Much more surprising
Than one would've known before
Entering into each new Now!
〰©Nellieanna H. Hay
The way. ~
Twist a rainbow
'Round the day
And that is where I'll be.
Drop a moonbeam
In a stream,
It will not seek the sea.
But drain it dry,
to bring it near, -
The moon,
The stream -
Will disappear.
_____© Nellieanna H. Hay