Emotional Ransom
I’m a hostage
I’m a hostage
A prisoner
Bound by thoughts, memories
Trapped inside my own mind
Seen only by the radar guards
Marching forward once
Then backwards twice
I’m a prisoner
Held hostage
By neuronal pulses
Hormonal fluctuations
By sparks that light
But don’t connect
Kept for ransom
A price
More than
I can pay
Seeking shelter
Looking for answers
In the scrapings
Leftover from a lifetime
Of bondage
To an army
So stealth
I can only sense
But not see
Watched over
Or so I am told
Just look
I will see
Give it up
Set myself free
I am a prisoner
Held hostage
Kept For Ransom:
a price more powerful,
more potent,
more painful
left unpaid