Entering Buildings
In it are another group of people.
They don't seem to be druggies. They let her in. She'll take her chances.
The people take care of her. She befriends an older gentleman. He is sixty something years old. He is known as Polar Pop Bear.
The level of intelligence displayed by the Dewj Frothers has raised the Universal Humanity to Level 96. The Cards are being delivered. Humanity enjoys the taste of success.
Jasper Tiger
Jasper Tiger's website reaches over 144,000 views.
Preparation Day
Jasper Tiger has over 144,000 fans. He decides that he will never worship Xandriana. He does not have a computer chip implanted in his forehead or his right hand.
He does not want to be
controlled by Xandriana. Nanotechnology is something that he never wants to have merged into his biological forces. Jasper Tiger is not an unwanted file. He is an essential piece of humanity. So what if he's a late-bloomer. All that matters is that he blooms.
Jasper Tiger learns all about Xandriana's plan from W.S. Knight. Xandriana hates Jasper Tiger and puts him on a wanted list. JT has a very popular blog. There are over 144,000 subscribers to it. Jasper Tiger has grown up to be a Knight. JT is a hardcore Christian. He rebels against being controlled. He rebels against worshipping Satan.
The Team of Tiger Knights
are empowered. It's impossible for Xandriana to arrest Jasper Tiger. He's too powerful and too strong. After all, he can fly. Jasper Tiger is a superhuman Christian.
Topaz C Urchin demands that Jefe Rioletto give her the Topaz Pearl. JT has experienced the breakdown of time. JT is able to control and manipulate time in the palm of his right hand. JT uses his brain as a weapon. He has loyal friends. He is not a loner. He is not concerned with money and a life of ease. He has a ton of money. He already lives a life of ease.
JT is a scientist.
He must continue furnishing his electronics lab with the most updated technology. His electronics lab is in an underground Texan cave. Sometimes it gets a bit too damp from the humidity.
W.S. Knight is Given His Sword
Benaiah gives W.S. Knight his sword.
The year is 2016. January.
Hopefully Jasper Tiger can live for eternity. Yes, now things are swinging in our favor. We're not losing as many battles as we once were. Ergo, we're going to keep wearing our Space Knight outfits. You are allowing me to continue to finance the Moon villages. It's imperative that we build our moon villages.
If we do, then all of us will benefit.
2016 - 2021 = Second Step.
JT is now participating in Space Chess Bullfighting. JT buys the Moon Boat from Klellvorq. JT, due to his excellent skills at playing stocks, has a ton of money.
Free Computer Genius!
Wago has transformed JT into a superhuman. Jefe Rioletto has the Topaz Pearl. He must not drop the ball this time. It can be used to eliminate Xandriana's DNA from Equipment Space Sector.
JT buys himself one of W.S. Knight's white horses. He also buys bows and arrows from him. JT ain't going out like no punk. It's been rumored that Jasper Tiger cannot die.
Some are not so certain.
He must make sure to not enter the wrong time warp. He must help the mortals who live on Baftica. JT has figured out how to enter Lone Scorpion Mode. JT has a great attitude about things. Stuff just works out for him.
Benaiah Knight has 5 Stars on her chest, right above her large headlights.
JT fights Xandriana at the cultural level. He also fights her at the economic level. He also fights her at the spiritual level. He runs many experiments and finds out numerous conclusions. The Christians cheer. Open places are shown to us. There is a 5-year time limit.
There is 1 year for each Pearl.
Sabbath! :)
The year is 2016. February.
Topaz C Urchin defeats Jefe Rioletto in a fight. She wants the Topaz Pearl.
W.S. Knight is an excellent teacher. His students pass all their tests with flying colors. He receives a wage raise for his teaching salary.
JT likes wearing his Space Knight outfits. He's not too privy about wearing Space Aztec outfits. The Space Knight outfits provide far more protection in battle. JT buys a red moon house.
JT is not to be messed with.
Homeboy gets the job done. JT is working on bending future events in favor of the Topaz Tiger Knights. Jasper Tiger is king of House of Topaz. We must not let the Topaz Pearl explode.
Topaz Pearl: 100 / 2000.
Jefe Rioletto X hands the Dragonian Gold Sword over to Jasper Tiger. That way, if Jefe Rioletto fudges up, at least he won't lose the Dragonian Gold Sword, too. Jasper Tiger shuts down the time warp that goes to Torture Space Sector.
"JT, why did you do that? I mean, bro, I gave you the Dragonian Gold Sword and all. What the crap?"
"You don't need access to Torture Space Sector. That alternate reality is in the past. Just make sure to do all you can to destroy and tear apart Satan's empire."
An End of August Conversation Between Dr. B.R. Lar and Classy Clad
I was just checking on y'all. I was going to call you about a Scripture in my notes, but I'll talk to you about it at work.
Well, brother, once I get back home you can call me if you want.
Brother, I haven't been taking notes. Today was my first time back in the Bible since 4 days. I have been worn out and tired.
I love the Bible!
I hear you.
I'm sorry I haven't sent you Revelation.
No worries, man.
I'll tell you all about it, but I'm still not giving up. God is good, brother. Y'all be careful going home.
Thank you, brother. I can't wait to hear it!
So, concerning Fast there were three Scriptures. Then, there was the text to them. I hope you can read it. Now I'm about to take notes on fasted.
So, concerning Fasted there are 2 Scriptures. There is no text beside them.
I will study Vow also.
Brother, let me know what you think.
I will do so once I wake up from my nap, brother.
Rich in the Knowledge
Protector Clad is rich in the knowledge of Reso Froth. He does not have to inform us of his location. He is a nomadic wanderer.
I am a humble Watchman.
His Truth Level is amazing. The CATTLE are way too slow. Protector Clad speeds them along so that they will progress quicker. Protector Clad sent in his payment to us. Affirmative. We contacted him. We thanked him for his patience. We had the next portion of the Infinity Tower up within a couple of weeks. He anxiously awaits. The announcement is made. He told us Thank you. We are the ZionAncientz.
You pick up the Writings.
Now you see an Antimortal Robot. With your powerful Sword, you slice the Antimortal Robot in half. Now you must find your boyfriend. Princess Nubiposh walks back over to Prince Clad.
Prince Clad: Awesome job! Now, let me take a look at his Writings. Um, so he's talking to you. You are worthy. You will now receive 1,000 units. Cool! Oh yeah. Make sure you find the man with the beard.
You find the man with the beard.
Bearded Man: Hello, Princess! Our Masters in Heaven will continue to freely help us if we trust and willingly give money away. God and Jesus Christ want to give us blessings. Find the Queen! She has something in particular for you to do.
"You could have become an Antimortal Robot.
Stupid boy. Consider that your last check from me, buddy! Good riddance!"
Prince Clad enters Princess Nubiposh's home. He sees a copy of Dewjnet 8 - Bronze Stone. He finds his check. He knows that God and Jesus Christ will bless him with money. He has faith in Them. He finds a map of Debajine.
"Crap. I guess I'm going to have to travel through Blood River. Yuck."
Debajine is an ally of Aggrogine. But the question remains. Who is Aggrogine's king?
Princess Nubiposh
Princess Nubiposh is a young woman who needs you to help her become Queen. She hopes to become Queen of Aggrogine.
It's here. It's World War 3. This is the Final human war. It'll be ugly. The Aliens will show themselves during this time frame. Lucifer aka Satan aka the Devil and all his evil comrades are the Aliens. They will use Robots to take away jobs from us Humans. They will use Robots to take away the virginity from us Humans (some of the freakier Humans, that is). They will use Robots to take the lives of Humans. Brace yourself. Understand that Robots can be defeated. Realize that Robots are not immortal.
"Satan will be burned to ashes."
"Amazing! I want to be there to see that!"
"Make the right decisions, have faith in God and Jesus Christ, then you'll be there. Remember, for every demonic action, there is a more powerful and opposite Christian reaction. A Christian reaction that will prevail."
ZionAncientz share all the Cards! You should do it, too!
Israelites and Edomites exist. I am an Israelite. I am against terrorism.
Sardonyx Jewel. This is the future of transmission.
Episode 210 has been removed from Reso Froth. Israelites are good and Edomites are evil. Our brothers in Jordan will escape the one eye. Our Jordanian brothers and sisters will not fall down to the one eye.