Exclusive Love
There are songs that we sing in which we sing about God, and
All of the things He has done, is doing or shall do,
Then there are songs we sing to God,
Describing and ascribing how we feel about Him,
These songs are directed to Him in exclusive love,
We praise Him with the emotions that are reserved only for Him,
Exclusive because the object of other affections can never be God,
We distinguish and discern and we know
Who it is that can be absolutely and totally kind,
Merciful, gracious and loving all of the time.
These are emotions that comprise exclusive love,
Because you can never, nor will you ever,
Love anyone like you love God,
That alone makes your love, praise, and worship
To and for God an exclusive emotion,
You can and you will love others, but just not like you love Him,
We must dig through all of the emotions we have ever experienced, and
The baggage is heavy and oftentimes a burden to carry,
Until we find that empty space, that untouched emotion
Which is only there exclusively for God.
Emotions are marked for exclusive use,
Making that emotion one that is set apart in our hearts, and
Aimed towards the heart of God only,
All relationships require sound emotions, but
The most peaceful and tranquil are the ones I have for God,
It is our response to His love for us.
We love Him because He first loved us,
This is the special place we come to
Where love is of a higher kind, and
We ascertain that we love God,
With all of our hearts, minds, strength and soul,
It is exclusive love! It is where we love completely and exclusively,
Exclusive love is different from other kinds of love,
None can hold a candle, not eros, storge, nor phileos,
It is unlike any other love for anyone or anything,
It is the anointing of God that breaks yokes,
Opens portals, doors, windows and gates; and
Grants us the advancement into new levels, new territories, and
New realms, and commission breakthroughs in our lives,
Exclusive love is a breakthrough that points only to God, and
His love echoes back to us, I love you exclusively,
As if you and I are the only ones,
The goodness of God leads to the place of exclusivity, and
Into a Son filled glorious life,