Father of the Pearl
Father of the Pearl
I am of the night. Won't you be my guide, when I cross the plains of insanity? Don't drift away to sleep, my one and only light. I can hear your cries. For they are pleas for your safe return out of Hades. For I wish to dance with you. I want to melt away into your misty dreams. Spray me, if you will, with your rhythmic tides. For our spirits shall become one. What moist eyes you have, my Lord. How can I erase the smoke that burns within your soul? Don't let your body burn, my Lord. For my licorice curls cascade down my brass shoulders. I shall be the remission of sinister minds. For let unholy beings bleed out of the holy realms of serenity. I will reveal to them, I will reveal to them the only truth that their mouths do not speak. For from me they shall taste bitter herbs that float around within my rustic soul. Can you feel in me creamy waters that flow from the eyes of the cemented serpent?
For they weep for me, becasue I cannot find the one and only true mind. Take this lead from me and heed my warning. Never dry up into nothing but the sands that delve into your frosted eyes. For they ring bells filled with saturated melodies. Don't tamper with my frothy soul. For I'm trying to be candid with you, my song. Do you know you are the one who foretells of rhythmic deeds? Steal me away. I don't want to stray away from my channeled plight. You are my destiny. You are my destiny. For I shall be coddled in your heavenly arms, my Father of the Pearl. For I shall wear your tears around my neck, and allow them to drinik of my powdery spirit. Together we will form a mast, so we can sail away into the childish sea, where we will bang our gong when the thunder cackles loudly while breaking into our congregated body.