Fickle Mind
Butterfly, O Butterfly
Where do you go…….
Come sit a while here
Not make me your foe.
Been waiting
All day long……..
To see you in true colour,
Would you not Smear
Some on me
Make me alive as ever!
This Garden
Dies on You
You are his Soul,
Why not then give some back
For all that you Stole?
My Foliage
Gets new Life
Only if you come,
Still you keep
Flying Around
Giving me none.
Your Fragrance
Fill the corners
Only with more,
Still you have made me
Your Eyesore!
Know not what
I did wrong
To turn you away,
You Snapped a thread
That binds our hearts
To this very day.
It’s getting dark
The day will be over…….
And we both will Sleep,
Known or not known but
Fell we this side
Where the world is a glib.
You ask your wings
To fly again
In some new Garden to,
Yet your Beauty
Will never Shine
Other than eyes that saw You!