Fight like a soldier die like a boy
They came to my village in the night and began shooting, they shot our fathers, raped our mothers and kidnapped people, they kidnapped women, girls and young boys and i was among those kidnapped.
They forced us to carry riffles and gave us hard drugs and hot drinks which kept us going, they hardly fed us and the only language people like me became familiar with was shoot. I was trained to kill with the gun and i killed with the gun. I have seen it all.
At fifteen, i can’t count how many people i killed, i was made the second commander of my group but when the war was over and i was among those captured by the elite force, we were given the chance to change so i went into rehabilitation and came out clean then understood the devastation of war, the bitter truth about ethnic difference.
The power tussle began
Where two men disagree
One wants supremacy
One wants total control
Their table became a battle field
Poor masses hamper for safety
Ignorance took the fight ahead
One tribe wants it all
The same religion fit for all
How did we get here
Destroying each other out of hate
Fighting for men at the top
Sent to die in the name honor
Fought like soldiers died like boys
Ignorance that we are
For all the life that i took
None can be replaced
But i am mindful for the second chance
Now i want to be a better me
One people we are and will always be
Child soldier the shield they use