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Finding Topics to Write About

Updated on November 20, 2017
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Rohan believes that writing, in order to be truly effective, must be a labor of love.

Coming up with topics to write on is not always easy. This article will point you to habits to help you zero in on meaningful topics.
Coming up with topics to write on is not always easy. This article will point you to habits to help you zero in on meaningful topics. | Source

Consider This Situation

Jeremy is a young man of 23. He has an excellent command of the English language. He has always wished to be a writer full time. However, every time he sits down to type an article, his mind begins to fail him. He tries to push himself to write, but that only makes matters worse. He feels helpless and begins questioning his ability as a writer. He wonders if he is even meant to be a writer.

Jeremy is tired of all the failures he has encountered in his nascent career. He thinks about getting a full-time job. His dream of earning a regular passive from pursuing his passion is fast dying out.

Are you like Jeremy? Do you wish you could write better and faster? Do you wish you could earn a regular, steady income sitting in your bedroom and writing of the things that you believe in and know about? If so, you will find value in this article.

There are challenges aplenty to churning out meaningful content fast enough. Writer’s block is at the very top of the list. It is, however, only one among the many enemies of writing success. Writer’s block usually happens after one sits down to type their article. There is a threat that one must face much earlier: the threat of not having a topic to write about.

Writing is a process filled with challenges.
Writing is a process filled with challenges. | Source

How often have you struggled to find a profitable niche on which to focus? How many times have you sat down to write, only to realize that you don’t know what to write about?

Your takeaway from this article will be a set of habits that if developed will help you come up with good topics faster.

Your takeaway from this article will be a set of habits that if developed will help you come up with good topics faster.

Use a Note-Taking App to Jot Down Points

Using a note-taking app has numerous benefits. Note-taking apps help take note of great ideas at the weird times they usually occur. They help one develop prompts for the times when writer’s block lays us low.

In your note-taking app, create a document titled “Topics.” Add topics to it as and when ideas strike.

Google Keep is a great no frills app for taking notes on both iOS and Android devices.

Taking notes is a habit you must cultivate.
Taking notes is a habit you must cultivate. | Source

Read Plenty

If you want to be a good writer, it makes sense to read what others have written. Doing so will teach you a thing or two about how to apply different techniques to your writing. It will also help form ideas in your head about which topics are good to write about.

Reading is an activity that inspires, and inspiration, as we know, is critical to being a good writer.

Watch YouTube Videos

Just as reading inspires, so does watching good, enlightening videos. Oftentimes, in certain respects, watching videos is more powerful than reading because it leaves less to the imagination. Watching videos feeds the perspective of the creator into our minds.

Just exploring at random the latest videos on YouTube provides one with food for thought and a list of topics to write on.

Just exploring at random the latest videos on YouTube provides one with food for thought and a list of topics to write on.

Observe Natural Processes

Nature is the best teacher. Observe it. Learn from it. Give it time, and it will make you think about the processes of life and of our planet.

Natural phenomena have for thousands of years filled people with a sense of awe. Allow yourself to be filled with the same sense of grandeur. This mindset is the best friend of creativity. Where creativity is, there are the topics!

Nature is the master inspirator!
Nature is the master inspirator! | Source

Look at Behavioral Trends and Observe People

People! What a chaotic, confusing bunch they are! They do the unexpected. They simply do not conform. Some are nuanced while others are brash. In every case, however, they never fail to excite and surprise.

People! What a chaotic, confusing bunch they are!

Observing people helps generate ideas. Being on a crowded street helps a lot. As far as writing inspiration is concerned, the weirder the person being observed, the better!

Talk to Others

From time to time, make sure you get away from the computer and actually talk to others. This will freshen you up in a big way. A few laughs never did a writer any bad.

Make communication a daily habit. People are receptacles of knowledge and ideas. Each person is a unique person who can broaden your worldview and give you plenty to write about.

Communication fosters creativity.
Communication fosters creativity. | Source

Listen to Good Music

Music is the soul blood of creativity. Good music is capable of transporting one anywhere in the world or beyond in a matter of microseconds. Develop the habit of being a daily listener of music. The same piece of music can evoke two unrelated emotions when listened to at different times. Looking for new music on a regular basis will also be a fruitful exercise. It will teach you to be prepared for anything creatively. It will give you writing material.

Be Aware of Search Trends

Finally, having an idea of the hot trends on Google Search can help you decide what to research and write about. When dealing with current trends, try to approach things from a less-trodden perspective. This will give you more interested readers who will take note of your writing prowess.

Having an idea of the hot trends on Google Search can help you decide what to research and write about.

Last Word

This article is far from exhaustive. If you know any other methods of finding topics to write about, please mention them in the comments section. Your inputs will be of use to others.


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© 2017 Rohan Rinaldo Felix


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