Flatulence on a Windy Day
Caution: Reading may cause empathetic reaction.
There is no finer time for some of us to say,
that its impossible to stay a smile on a windy day.
For it permits that satisfying moment when the winds begin to course,
to release a little pressure from within, yet no one wiser to the source.
Innocently walking by with not a care to be seen,
and anonymously leaving something wherever one has been.
A little treat for the next passer-by a slight whiff they will have received,
your signature on work well done, a scent not to be believed.
For those of us who are blessed with an active plumbing system,
to cut the cheese among the crowds is not an act of terrorism.
A bit of happiness we find in our own special way,
when our flatulence is disguised by a windy day.