Fleeting Images Lightly Held
supple dancers and sleek athletes
performing in the clouds;
hieroglyphs and funny faces
sketched out in carpet loops
waft up and down the hall
to steal attention’s thrall
and summon other groups;
puppydogs and honeybears
gleefully romp in raindrop crowds
upon my foggy windowpane,
while elephants and camels
transport exotic loads
toward shadow destiny,
pay no homage, no excise tax
for imagination's company.
Ah, but springfever's
wispy symptoms
pervade my every glimpse;
they haunt my every dream;
they thrill my waking hours.
yes, I have every symptom
and each, my heart devours.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
They're sometimes so wispy that they've evaporated or gone invisible when I look again to find them!