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Some Things Were Really As Bad as . . .

Updated on February 17, 2019
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Kenneth is a rural citizen of Hamilton, Ala., and has begun to observe life and certain things and people helping him to write about them.

I am Proud

to announce that my introduction is similar to the opposite side of life as was the hub, „“Is It Really as Good As . . .“ which I published about a week ago. And I find that after mulling over the contents of this hub, I found it really worth writing about—although a lot of people may disagree.

This hub is honestly headlined as . . .“Some Things Are Really as Bad as . . ." and regardless of the text, I can assure you that all of my text has been scrutinized and found to be safe.

The photos that I chose for this presentation are not only pleasing to the eye, but very sound and just like reality, very believable.

Grown men lugging rifles to the woods to kill innocent squirrels and call it a "sport."
Grown men lugging rifles to the woods to kill innocent squirrels and call it a "sport." | Source

So Now Please Allow

me to head forward and write the main section of this hub and frankly, I do hope that this offering will bring you some measure of joy and maybe a bigger dose of happiness. And although the following statement: I drank an entire pot of coffee is true, I do not want it to affect your judging my piece and decide its validity on the basis of being bad or good.

Okay. Now we can proceed. Some Things Were as Bad as . . .

Cashiers,Mama Watoto Supermarket.
Cashiers,Mama Watoto Supermarket. | Source
  • Having to stand in line at some supermarket whose sole cashier, (a newbie I might add) was having a time as she fumbled to check the prices, made me feel as if I were having a bad practical joke being played on me.
  • Being stranded in the Gobi Dessert with only a half-quart of water was as bad as being my mouth filled with table salt.
  • I was about to fall asleep (in the same dessert), and was feeling pretty good with all things considered, then a Sidewinder and three Stinging Scorpions find it necessary to come toward me.
  • Being thirsty is bad. Take my oldest uncle, 102, and his wake lasting for 12 + hours and no water fountain in sight.
  • Me caught out in the driving rain was pretty much like standing at the bottom of Niagara Falls.
  • The dangerous bolts of lightning that were striking about me made to feel like a dart boa
  • Talk about a bad afternoon! I felt so crushed that it was like being attacked by a rabid dog, and then my next-door neighbor, a retired Long Shoreman, took exception to the smoke emitted from my barbecue grill and tried to push me onto the grill.
  • Standing at the wrong place and wrong time such as being in front of former Heavyweight Champion, Evander Holyfield.
  • Mowing my lawn and my mower hit a small tree limb which carried it to a huge hornet‘s nest that was hanging directly over my lawn and yes, I did suffer a lot of those hornet‘s stings.
  • Watching grown men lug their shotguns to the woods and “bag“ more than their legal limit of our Gray Squirrels to say nothing about the Fox Squirrels makes me so nauseated that I cannot hold down solid food.
  • Speaking of nauseated. Watching the documentaries about Civil Rights and scenes in Birmingham, Ala., in the early 60s with Police Chief Eugene “Bull“ Connor unleash several German Police Dogs and open many hoses that were used to fight fire.
  • Losing my lunch is as similar as to that of watching the same documentaries about Anti-War Demonstrations (Vietnam) with Army vets who came home and helped demonstrate (to them) just how ignorant Vietnam was and some even threw their medals into the trash bin
  • Watching (on TV) the authorities arrest James Earl Ray, who assassinated Dr. Martin Luther King on the second story of his motel room makes me so depressed that I do not want to get out of bed.
  • Watching (on TV) the many films and documentaries about Sirhan Sirhan who was arrested for the assassination of Robert Kennedy who was running a successful campaign for the President of the United States makes me feel good at him never being pardoned for parole.
  • Having my wisdom teeth cut-out was the painful reminder about Lee Harvey Oswald who assassinated President John F. Kennedy. Oswald was captured by Dallas Police for the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Nov. 23, 1963, in Dealy Plaza.
  • The stress in Mr. Hancock‘s Algebra I class was so thick that you could cut it with a pocket knife and the students‘ hatred for Hancock was so evident that Hancock was visibly moved by the nervousness of the test that he had handed out to his students.
  • Eating a burger at Big Dan‘s Burger Galaxy was so awful that the cockroaches were protesting outside.
  • My blind date, a Miss Purvis Beadeaux, was so stuffy that it reminded me of the boredom of digging a ditch.

Did you enjoy this hub, or did it cause you some discomfort? Talk to me.

January 8, 2019__________________________________________

Watching (on TV) the authorities arrest James Earl Ray, who assassinated Dr. Martin Luther King on the second story of his motel room makes me so depressed that I do not want to get out of bed.
Watching (on TV) the authorities arrest James Earl Ray, who assassinated Dr. Martin Luther King on the second story of his motel room makes me so depressed that I do not want to get out of bed. | Source

© 2019 Kenneth Avery


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