Forget about raisins for a Gingerbread Boy
When you lack a raisin...
The Gingerbread Boy lacked a raisin, you see,
and thus was not ready to bake.
Although he was not for the oven quite yet,
he looked like a fine hunk of cake.
The head was on top, both rounded and wide.
Two arms and two legs were there, too,
But the middle was missing a raisin stuck in
at the belt line. Oh, what to do?
Cook went to Chef, and Chef went berserk.
“For one raisin we stop all our baking?
There never has been such a stoppage before
since the start of this whole undertaking.”
A helper was sent to the market right fast
to get a big raisin for using.
He spent a whole dollar for one piece of fruit.
(When you need fruit there's no time for choosing.)
Now, with raisin in hand, Cook got to work.
The raisin was stuck to the belt.
Into the oven went Gingerbread Boy.
It was hotter'n ever he'd felt.
The clock kept on ticking. At last he was done.
Gingerbread Boy was now tanned.
Cook mixed up icing to paint on his face.
“Make him handsome” is what they had planned.
Gingerbread Boy cooled off while at rest.
He was popped on a plate for the serving.
Onto the table, and kids gathered 'round,
with appetites huge and unnerving.
Off went a leg, and an arm followed soon.
Then the rest of him disappeared, too.
Finally all had been eaten, save only one thing -
left behind by that ravenous crew.
The raisin remained on the now empty plate,
a reminder to chefs and to cooks:
Forget about raisins for Gingerbread Boys.
A baked raisin's good only in books.