Freeup Interview Experience
Freeup Marketplace Freelancers
- The Free up platform is a marketplace.
- Services are offered to clients by independent contractors.
- In this way, earnings are built up and the marketplace seeks skilled writers.
- Freelancers are screened prior to joining the network.
- I know this from my thorough research prior to the interview I had with Freeup’s employee.
- The process to be accepted in the Freeup marketplace is simple, but doesn’t apply to every interviewee.
- The client and freelancer have a business relationship.
- There are new projects for the freelancer to choose from once accepted into the network.
- You apply and work quickly on what is suitable for your skills.
- Payments are processed every week and without disputes.
Why is Free up different from other marketplaces?
- The unique company to other Freelance platforms through the process you go through with a fifteen-minute interview as I had.
- Unfortunately, I wasn’t accepted and Fee-up wouldn't disclose the reason for declining my application. It is against their company policies to let me know why they had declined my application.
- Free up is supposed to be a fast hiring platform, but only for the highly skilled freelancer with an upbeat attitude.
I did not fit that category.
Eighty per cent of the population hired are from the Philippines and twenty per cent of the rest of the world.
The Application process in my explanation.
- I applied by filling in an online form and this was sent directly to the Freelancer Success Team. I was contacted for the Interview a few days later and was thrilled to have this experience.
- The team reviewed the application and invited me for an interview.
- I had to install the zoom camera and get on with it.
- On the ninth of June was my first scheduled interview, but the interviewer had to postpone the date for the following day.
- I felt disappointed nevertheless, I rescheduled for the next day the tenth of June which again was postponed for another date. This time I had to reschedule for the thirtieth of June.
- I had to reschedule for that date as I had many other events and couldn't have the interview on an earlier date.
- I had the interview on the thirtieth of June and felt positive as usual that is the way I see everything in my life.
Hopeful and glad to have had that experience.
I submitted further information of examples of my writing and waited for the process for three days and didn’t have to prepare anything for the interview.
I had to be ready to share my experience in writing and communicating with clients. The final round is to be introduced to Communication Practices.
A fifteen-page document that you need to understand when communicating with clients.
After a guided test, you will know if you have passed the final round. Once you understand the Practices you are hired. Communication is key to getting hired at Freeup marketplace.
Clients have poor experiences with Freelancers through bad communication. Unfortunately, I did not get to the fifteen-page document. Remote teams need the best communication skills and it is a foundation of the marketplace.
Clients are happy to communicate with Freelancers via WhatsApp, Skype, email, Viber or text.
To bill clients, you are responsible for choosing the hourly rate. The minimum is two dollars, and the difference between the client and Freelancer rate is fifteen per cent. An option for payment is a Payoneer or PayPal account.
Here is what I learned from the Freeup marketplace:
If you buy something cheap just to save a few pennies you won’t be satisfied with your purchase of a cheap product. That product would fall apart in a few days and this tells you to focus on quality rather than quantity of a job.
You would spend more money to buy the quality product, but you would have a longer and better service. This happens when you hire cheap labor.
Sometimes when you hire cheap labor it would cost you more on the maintenance because you would need to do the work all over again.
Freelancers are hired according to skill, attitude and communication at Freeup and the process is simple. However, when an applicant shows no skill and has a low hourly rate, it appears to be negative feedback given to the quality of work.
The Entry Level Freelancers' hourly rate is $5-$10 and at this rate, skills are not required.
The candidate can learn fast and is able to follow the system.
The Mid Level Freelancers' hourly rates are $10-$30.
At this rate, the Freelancers are skilled in their experiences.
The Expert Level of Freelancers charges $30-$75 hourly rates.
At this level, the Freelancers have many years of experience in their job levels. You start at a low level to climb up the ladder, and you learn everything as you work along with communicating with your clients.
In three levels, you improve and increase the quality of work and earnings in the Freeup marketplace.
The key is to know how to communicate with clients.
So, in all, I have experienced a lot of negativity in job applications, and book publishing as when I had first started writing online.
I realized it was nothing to take to heart.
My world is different to others and knowing everything I have experienced nothing can hurt me. I am strong, positive, show my strengths at my weakest or at the most disappointing time, and move on from that experience.
What makes me feel good is what I choose to have in my life and who I have in my life. I do not give up on anything I have failed upon and keep up with challenges and trying until something else comes along for me.
Writing as I have been since 2008, has increased my knowledge and improved my skill in writing and most of all it is a passion. I learned from you and from thorough research, to be honest in my work and I share honest work here.
I believe that everybody is responsible for their work as I am responsible for mine. It doesn’t keep me from doing what I enjoy best and that is writing online.
This is my life. I can give up and feel sorry for myself, or I can move on and try different things to work out better. I choose to move on and do better for myself.
Photos with views from my home
Freeup market place for Freelancers
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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2020 Devika Primić