From Gauze To Canvas
You have captured
My imagination
Like a ray
Of sunshine
Captures playful
Dust particles
In the air
And holds them there,
Suspended in illumination
For an
Eternal Moment.
_____© Nellieanna H. Hay
Know You By Heart
the contrasts
I'm drawn by the changes and the contrasts all around. I love watching and experiencing life as it moves from one part of a spectrum to another, with its ever-changing variations on the themes of being alive and being surprising. When I run out of surprise, I guess I'll have run out of life!
Sometimes its textures are wispy and delicate, like the gauzy fabrics used to fashion silk roses and veils. Then again - the coarse, ruggedness of canvas used to construct sneakers and sails.
Ever changing. Rearranging. Teasing or pleasing.Thrilling or demanding. Enticing or commanding. Never static.
Whenever I think
Of you...
...and I often do...
You exist for me
In my present,
Here and now.My present is a gift
I give you now.The pleasure
Of my thoughts of you
Is the gift
I give to me.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Generation gap twins.
One heart beating
Simultaneously in each of us.
Throughout wispy years,
Across sturdy miles,
~ Still ~ completion of each other.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
gauze roses & canvas sneakers
Come here,
Come near
And let me see
Your eyes,
My dear.
The blue of
Your surprise.
The self of you,
A paradigm.
I must have that.
That glimpse into
The glimpse in two
Is yours and mine.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Your secret name
Is adam.
Tell me
When you
Find it out.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
You are somewhere
Seeking me,
And soon our paths
Will meet,
Though unexpectedly.
We'll know.
Intense and grabby,
You are like a deer.
Would flee if frightened
But, staying here,
Would fight fearlessly.
Late November is your time
And adam is your name.
I know not why or who.
I simply know -
It’s you.
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
Tuning, done.
Overture begins.
And, now,
______© Nellieanna H. Hay
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© 2011 Nellieanna Hay