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Fruit Thieves Speech

Updated on August 26, 2013

We are,
We martyred ourselves to the night, to the
chaos and
to the destructive surge
Which emerged
From below
Full of dark
No meaning
Only feeding hate
exceeding in our eyes
to everything Islamic
These glittering young bodies in Tahrir Square
We offered as lambs
in June 30th
to the smoke and
smoky air
to bright shadows and fogging memories
Stand with us
We need your voice
Your stones
Your weapons
Against the aliens
who cut the hands ,heads
and stone to death adulterers
No time to brood
Too late to withdraw
Leave morals on the shelves
Allah in the mosque
And join us
We offer you a substitute of heavenly heaven
on earth.

Why would I ever talk to you? You are not an elected [vice president]. You are a [vice president] appointed by a coup administration,”1 Erdogan said in reference to ElBaradei, Egypt’s interim Vice President and chief of The National Salvation Front,during a ceremony in Ankara.

Tahrir Square
Tahrir Square

Explication of the poem:

Those people in Tahrir Square above were only the nationalists and the real Egyptians in the official media outlets and others who are still now occupying many squares in various cities, demanding the reinstatement of deposed president Mohammed Morsi, are not Egyptians,just aliens as some journalists like to term them.That ‘s really a ridicule in my opinion.Many people unfortunately don't know that what the media calls the‘largest protest in world history ‘ was arranged and supported by the military institution to overthrow the freely elected president and regain what was swept under their feet when the Egyptians ousted Mubarak from his office in 2011,January 25th.According to The Wall Street Journal,The military coup was orchestrated months before the unrests.The report that it released in affirmed that there were secret meetings held among top military figures and opposition leaders:Mohamed ElBaradei, Amr Mousa, and Hamdin Sabahi to oust the elected president.The funny thing emerged the next day after the military coup. In an article from New York Times ;published July 10.2010 .titled, ‘Sudden Improvements in Egypt Suggest a Campaign to Undermine Mursi’, Ben Hubbard and David Kirkpatrick spoke of an “apparently miraculous end to the crippling energy shortages and the re-emergence of the police”2.That was really a shame and a disgrace on the military forehead.Morsi didn't fail to find solutions to the fuel crisis and the electricity cuts but simply he couldn't rule without governmental institutions.Morsi with all his mistakes was not a tinhorn dictator, self-seeking opportunist or someone like Mubarak who enriched himself and his kins at the expense of poor Egyptians.It was a matter of time before judging anyone and of time before thinking it was a genuine revolution.Till now what we see on the political arena is a totally incoherent and contradictory to what the interim government calls for such as national reconciliation,freedom of speech and the right of demonstration .The rift among the Egyptians is widening now after they shut down the Islamic media outlets,arresting hundreds of ProMorsi protesters without being told about their accusations,using deadly power against peaceful protesters at the Republican Guard and the recent call of general Abdel Fattah El Sisi for all Egyptians to give him mandate to fight what he termed "violence and potential terrorism" promise only one thing: a civil war like the one that demolished Lebanon for fifteen years; or the bloody mess that has racked Iraq for a decade; or the massacres that beset Algeria after the army overthrew a newly elected Islamist government.

I think the mask of general Abdel Fattah El Sisi is fallen and the lies have been exposed.





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