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Updated on February 2, 2014


Painting by Roderick McEvoy
Painting by Roderick McEvoy


My view of hill and winding creek

Thrills by its sheer reality

Its wintriness of muted gray

And sparkling white formality

Evokes respect.

With bursting bud and flowering branch,

The spring gives way to gaiety.

The tender greens and fragile pinks

Combined in sweet bouquet-ity

Project delights.

Deep and lush the green leaves grow

Till no light penetrates.

With summer's heat and clear blue sky,

The dormant field rejuvenates,

Excites vitality.

The chill winds blow and days contract,

As Autumn's frosts descend

The blazing colors of a flame

The end of life portend,

Banality revoke.

______© Nellieanna H. Hay

winter, 1967

Turn Turn Turn

Buds In Snow

Autumn bunny

Feels its predators

Without a conscious watch.

Wisdom's in the fur

From summer's training.

______© Nellieanna H. Hay



Little forest creature

Moves on cushioned earth

On padded feet,

Stirs not a twig or leaf

And rustles not the air.

Yet forest covers earth

With silent life,

Not rushed or hushed.

And everywhere the filtered sun

Touches with

Confetti-dappled leaves

Sparkled with

A dew-drop crown

Upon a silken spider web

And hums the

Theme of Life.

______© Nellieanna H. Hay




Smiling house
The joy
Of being in it.

___© Nellieanna H. Hay

December, 1971

Strawberry days

Of lyrical



“Watch out for the plants,

Watch out where you’re going,”

You say.

I always do

Watch out for living things

And which way I’m going.

You don’t know that yet

Do you?

_____© Nellieanna H. Hay


"March Winds" by Patti Bannister
"March Winds" by Patti Bannister


The wind makes ripples

On the grass

And I can hear

Its sound

On window-glass.

The willows bend and dance

To rhythms of the air.

Dry leaves tear

From off the trees

To flurry


Hurry wildly

To where

They finally rest

As though they had

Appointments there.

But wind-its purpose but to be

Needs no guilde

Asks no plan

It simply knows

That, being wind -

It blows.

______© Nellieanna H. Hay


Of all the joys,

This is the best

______© Nellieanna H. Hay


Power Failure

As if utility power were it!

But candlelight

More beautifully illuminates

The positive,

Graciously ignores the rest

And creates a glow

Unknown by wattage!

Warm, soft, lively

Patterns emerge from nowhere

To join the candle’s light -

No stiff or sterile forms,

But looming, zooming,

Dancing, prancing


Defying logic,

Ridiculing preconceptions

Of perspective

To turn me on!

______© Nellieanna H. Hay


A circle

Is a circle,

Small or great.

This tiny perfect circle


The universe.

_____© Nellieanna H. Hay



The life
One's formed
The year
That's passed.

______© Nellieanna H. Hay

Come into my crystal world,

Share its sparkle, joy, delight.

But also share its shade of night

When lacking light ~

The feel,

The touch,

The tenderness

From which these dreams unfurled

Are made.

_____© Nellieanna H. Hay

Summer tune

A ‘humming,

About to burst in bloom

Like an instant

Crystal snowflake

Fallen by mistake

Into this season

Breezin’ through

Between eye blinks,

Too quickly to think

If it belongs

In summer’s song,


Sizzling back

To nothingness

From where it came,

Leaving not

A trace.

_____© Nellieanna H. Hay

A moment of sheer beauty



Nor will it be detained.

Moving on as quickly

s it came.

To try to hold it

Is to spoil it.

Let it go

In gratitude

And let it


Your soul.

_____© Nellieanna H. Hay

Islands in the tropics

Hope becomes

Chasing winter’s cold away,

Dispelling fear

Compelling cheer

In rainbows of the mind,

Converting tears to joy

And years

To moments of eternity

With mental rainbows

Converting tears

To showers

Of ecstasy.

____© Nellieanna H. Hay

Seasons In The Sun


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