THE LAST FLIGHT... by b. Malin
Don't die my friend.
Not while the sky is so blue, and a new day is about to begin.
Don't die my friend...
It's just so unfair.
To whom she asks.
To ME I cry out,
You are my friend...I CAN'T let you die.
I am weak she replies...PLEASE understand.
Please accept what I already know.
And don't PRETEND that it just isn't so.
I stare at my friend so weak and so frail...
Who needs my support.
Or is it ME that needs hers?
She is ready.
I am NOT.
My "weakness" suddenly becomes her strength.
She reaches out for my hand.
We hold tightly.
I bend over and kiss her damp cheek.
She whispers softly in my ear...
Good by my friend...I'm glad you were here.
I smile as I feel the tears starting to flow from my eyes.
I whisper back, good by my friend.
As ever so slowly, I feel her hand, slipping away from mine.