Galaxies (a poem)
Persons with weight of character carry, like planets, their atmospheres along with them in their orbits. ~Thomas Hardy
Galaxies by Martie Coetser
Like the sun of our galaxy,
axis of planets and stars
all bonded by proxy
are we behind our avatars.
Nearest in rotation
our dearest beloveds.
Regardless connotation,
our love shines to their orbits.
Family and friends rotate
beyond in orbits of their own;
Solemn we love while we wait
for them to visit us at home.
They come home in an inbox -
our dearest virtual friends
we trust may cox
our starships to no ends.
Beyond them are the special
bloggers and hubbers of space
to enlight and delight us - not artificial
are those we would love to embrace.
In our galaxies are
dangerous bodies
not in orbits –
in total ataxy
they embody
in our galaxies.
In galaxies we are souls -
glamorous and shining suns
or frigid deep black holes
revolving forever on.