Gifts of the Father
The sweetest breath of life, of our vision and hearing,
Just a part of each of our lives, are all so endearing.
The life of feelings experienced by us all, to treasure,
Values much greater than gold, beyond any measure.
What our Father in Heaven has given to us every one,
Even giving up a precious life, that of his only dear son.
As our very lives progress, along life's special highway,
The long days and nights, to meet challenges, we pray.
We have been taught that life may be hard, we endure,
As we each follow His plan, living a life that is so pure.
Getting knocked from our feet, then our rising up again,
For we have learned his ways, to deal with every pain.
Our Father's greatest love, and of His grandest devotion,
Spans about this earth, over mountains, of every ocean.
His universal domain, going beyond the celestial heights,
Keeping guard over his children, through days and nights.
We each are so blessed by his fatherly care, in its security,
Living lives of happiness, every beloved gift, is ours to be.
We shall all join Him in heaven above, when it is our time,
Where we will find the best gift yet, an afterlife so sublime.