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God's Fires, a Poem and More

Updated on November 9, 2019
Jodah profile image

John has experience as an active volunteer firefighter and was secretary of a rural brigade for eight years.


Fires Becoming a Yearly Occurence

November/December 2018

It seems I have just finished reading about the worst wildfire season on record in California and other western US states, and now, as I type this, at least 138 bushfires are burning along the entire east coast of Queensland and across into the Northern Territory. With record temperatures throughout November and now into December, with no rainfall expected soon, the situation is just likely to worsen.

Wildfire is becoming an almost yearly occurrence, in conjunction, with tornados, cyclones and resulting floods. Add to that record snowfalls in Winter months in the USA and Britain.

Click thumbnail to view full-size
Map of current Queensland Fires.  Queensland, beautiful one day, on fire the next.
Map of current Queensland Fires.  Queensland, beautiful one day, on fire the next.
Map of current Queensland Fires. Queensland, beautiful one day, on fire the next. | Source

Common Instructions in Case of Fire

Follow your bushfire survival plan now. If you do not have a plan, your safest option is to leave immediately if it is clear to do so. If you cannot leave, identify where you will seek shelter from the bushfire. If you are not in the area, do not return, as conditions are too dangerous.

Conditions are now very dangerous and firefighters may soon be unable to prevent the fire advancing. The fire may pose a threat to all lives directly in its path. Fire crews may not be able to protect your property. You should not expect a firefighter at your door: act now.
Power, water, and mobile phone service may be lost and road conditions may become very dangerous over the next several hours.

People in the area will be affected by smoke, which will reduce visibility and air quality. (source: Qld Fire and Emergency Service)

Firefighters watching a fire
Firefighters watching a fire | Source

God's Fires

Wildfires burning,

Winds keep turning,

Stomachs churning,

Rainfall yearning.

Am I wrong, or does it seem

The climate's getting more extreme?

Wildfire, cyclone, drought, or flood,

All things we class as "Acts of God."

Flood | Source

Should we flee

Or should we stay?

Protect our homes

Or get away?

We waste our time in hot debate,

Is this man's fault or just fate?

The natural cycles of the Earth,

Or will reduced emissions prove its worth?

Let our goals

Be all the same.

Protect all life,

Don't pass the blame.

Some say that scientists have it wrong,

That many sing a different song.

They say we can't afford to change

And Mother Nature will just manage.


So, let me cut

Right to the chase.

Save on energy,

Stop the waste!

How can it hurt to do what's right?

Though change can't happen overnight.

For if we raise our creator's ire

We'll be the catalyst of God's Fires.

Click thumbnail to view full-size
burning angelRestrained and burning angel
burning angel
burning angel | Source
Restrained and burning angel
Restrained and burning angel | Source

Off the Shelf

Off the Shelf, this time is the 1997 Science Fiction/fantasy novel God's Fires by Texas author Patricia Anthony.

the story of this book is quite complex and a little difficult to describe. It is set in Portugal at the time of the Spanish Inquisition

"in Portugal, where the Inquisition protects the true word of God, Father Manoel Pessoa has begun to hear strange confessions from the villagers of Quintas. Glowing lights in the sky. Angels who lie with village women. A virgin birth. Father Pessoa would like to keep all of this quiet, for he loves his simple people, and he knows the path events could take."

This isn't Cowboys vs Aliens, it's more The Church vs Aliens. An interesting read for sure.

God’s Fires by Patricia Anthony
God’s Fires by Patricia Anthony | Source

© 2018 John Hansen


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