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God's Greatest Gift...Love and Forgiveness: A short story
I can do all things through Christ
When the well is dry...
Her pen was poised in her hand, awaiting for a signal to write. Her mind swirled with ideas. There were ideas that reflected on pain, praise, troubled times, happiness, death, and birth, but nothing provoked her.
Her husband was at the bar again, swigging back his favorite drink, and playing pool. Or, so it was claimed. She didn't care anymore. He would have to answer for his actions when he faced his Savior. For now, she was more focused on creating something special.
She heard a creak of a floorboard. Leaning back in her chair, she glanced out the doorway. No one was there, but she could feel a negative presence. This wasn't the first time. She had been haunted off and on over the years by ghosts and spirits. Some would claim that there were good ones and evil ones; but to her, they represented Satan's followers prowling on weak minds.
She flipped the pages of her bible looking for inspiration. Something that might reach out to help someone else; bringing them closer to God. She smiled as she re-read her favorite verse again.
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Philippians 4:13
That one scripture alone had helped her face uncountable trials and tribulations in her life. Unruly family members, alcoholic and drug addicts, miscarriages, death of loved ones, troublesome roommates; her list went on. Still nothing sparked her interest to write about.
She leaned back in her comfortable, leather computer chair and studied the pictures on her desk. It showed a journey of growing. There was a picture of her with her first child, followed by a picture of her with her second. Then a picture of her husband and her embracing each other. That was her favorite picture of the two of them together.
A tear threatened to form as she studied the loving face of her grandmother that had passed. A laugh erupted, as she looked at the picture of her children as teenagers, arms and legs entwined in a wrestling match; with smiles as wide as the Grand Canyon itself.
The last picture was the final leg of her journey. It was a picture of her. She had been daydreaming, while her husband had taken a semi-profile picture of her gazing off into the clouds. Her long hair lightly fluttered in the wind. Her eyes bright and shining like glossy diamonds. She had been so happy at that moment. She remembered feeling ecstatic that day over an answered prayer. She had found success that day, as fears were cast away and steps towards her future were taken.
She found her inspiration she wanted to write about, but first she needed to pray and thank her wonderful Lord for blessing her with this wonderful talent. She bowed her head, ready to quietly speak, when she was interrupted by the opening of the front door.
Figures, she thought to herself, something was always interrupting her quiet time with God.
It was her husband that she had been expecting hours ago. He was back, but not in the condition she had become accustom to. He looked different...changed.
Flags raised, while warning signals went off in her brain. A feeling of betrayal fluttered in her heart. She took a deep breath to confront him, all the while saying a quick prayer to be able to handle what would be facing her. She stood up, ready to face him.
He stumbled through the open door of the computer room, wrapping her in an enormous bear hug, tears in his eyes.
“I love you,” he whispered in her ear, as she struggled to regain her balance.
“Why?” was her only response to protect her heart.
“I found what you have had. I finally figured out what you have been trying to tell me. It is wonderful.”
“What are you talking about?” She asked confused, extracting herself from his arms, and watching his reaction.
“God...I finally accepted him as my Savior,” he said hugging her tightly, “I am so sorry for the things I have done. Will you ever begin to forgive me?”
He smothered her in a kiss before she could answer him. Tears of joy formed in her eyes, as she kissed him back. God was there for her again...with another answer to her unspoken prayer. Life was going to be fine. God had blessed them with the greatest gift...love and forgiveness.