Great Southern Land
We sailed across the blue-green seas
To this Continent dry and blistering hot
‘Neath the light of the starry Southern Cross
Where the Eucalyptus trees lose their leaves not
We came to seek our fortune
It was waiting for us here
We toiled the hard arid soil
And tried to grow our daily meal
We carried on ship a few local sheep
Those which survived the journey we did keep
And so began the tradition of stock farming
Which kept us all from the threat of starving
We left families behind in England
And started new ties here in good time
Children came one to six
But we lost three - the devil’s pick
Our sheep stock grew and we sheared wool
We chased off the grey and big red kangaroos
Since grass was scarce and often sun scorched
And there was little water when nature took its course
Droughts came and went over the years
There were floods on our land which brought tears
We learned to survive each day with little at hand
Why did we not learn from the Natives of this land?
The sun does rise and set every day
It holds no grudges against man or beast
We lived in harmony in this Great Southern Land
Thankful for the fortunate life we sailed here to seek
© Copyright Maria D'Alessandro 2012. All Rights Reserved.