Great Unsolved Mysteries: Cracks in the Theory of Evolution
by Christine B.
Archeologists from around the world are finding evidence that intelligent man has been on the Earth far longer than previously believed. As a matter of fact, evidence unearthed indicates that man has been here even earlier than is possible if the theory of evolution is a reality.
In 1885 French archeologists found a semi-ovoid metal tube in a chunk of coal that was dated at 65 million years ago. The tube was obviously worked by an intelligent craftsman. No one
has been able to account for its existence. In 1912 an iron pot fell out of a large piece of coal and a metal nail was discovered in a block of sandstone from the Mesozoic Era.
Other anomalies have been found as fossils. A human hand print was found in a limestone block that has been dated to be 110 million years old. Several other unexplained fossils have been found as well. One is of a foot print of someone wearing a sandal on his/her foot discovered near Delta, Utah in a deposit of shale that is estimated to be from 300 to 600 million years old!
A small clay human figure was unearthed from basalt lava in 1889 near Nampa, Idaho. Workers were boring an artesian well through the crusted lava that is believed to be 15 million years old. Scientists say this is impossible based on their knowledge of man’s evolution on Earth; however the clay figure indicates that sophisticated humans lived in the area before that lava flow.
Evidence has also been found that indicates ancient man lived in the area of California, as well. Granite mortars and dishes, a skillet made of lava that was as hard as iron with three legs and a spout, polished stone axes that had perfect holes drilled into them so that a handle could be attached and ladles have all been unearthed in California. The most remarkable find, however, were tunnels that were bored into the mountains. One of these ancient shafts had been drilled 210 feet down through solid rock.
Other artifacts that have been dig up include: a skull found at the depth of 130 feet under five beds of lava and tufa, a mortar and pestle weighting 30 pounds used for grinding gold, beads, and an oval granite dish weighing 40 pounds, among many others.
So what does this all mean? No one knows for sure, but what they do know is that intelligent beings and their civilizations lived on Earth long before our recorded history and knowledge. Unless our methods of carbon dating are totally out of whack, science has to rethink the true history of man. These unearthed artifacts prove that some sort of intelligent beings inhabited this planet eons before evolution is reported to have taken place.
The more we learn and advance with our technology, the more things and traditions of truth will change. For instance, the world is not flat, the solar system does not revolve around Earth, and Pluto isn’t really a planet. The seeds of our existence might have come from an entirely different place than what we have been taught. We all need to keep your minds open to all possibilities and eventualities.