Gypsy Wagon Liberater - A Poem
Updated on January 31, 2013
Awake and alone this night
I begin to forget about you –
Relief soars through me and I relax.
This great weight no longer there,
But here’s the thing I wonder still..
Wandering lost and stumbling
No light from my
Gypsy wagon liberator
On these saggy droopy guises
Thinking thoughts of I and you
And you and me –
And suddenly
Clouds drift
And I am fucking free –
Branches reaching
I am a tree -
Never lost –
I was never shivering
Next to blank spots
As the covers cleared.
And so sudden
It’s like a bottle left to drift past
Everest and somewhere left of the Bermuda.
I realize now
You could never save me
And that the passion inside
Was not what you gave me
I love you….
But I am beyond
A fury you fear to cross -
You fear to become –
As surely as memories
of you inside me echo -
I fly not on borrowed wings
But on the back of eagles
Who gift me with sight -
And smell -
And awareness -
of twitching predatory prey
I am high
So far up
That you
Can’t see me.
And with great sadness -
I sigh -
I breathe -
And joy
it fills me,
With it’s seed.