How Harry Potter changed my Life
What's the big deal?
I don't think I knew about the books, but had gone to see the movie and absolutely loved it.
A friend of mine talked me into reading the books; which I would barely even read a book when I had a school assignment let alone read books for recreation. Good thing I wasn't in school when the either came out or I likely wouldn't have read them.
The Harry Potter book series gave me a new love of books and from the first of the series (well I started reading them sometime after the first movie came out) until now I have not stopped reading. (I'm actually having a problem getting through all my 'to read' books. More an avalanche than a pile!)
So to J.K. Rowling a BIG thank you goes out to her for this great story~
This hub is a spin off from My Harry Potter Fodder lens.
Author J.K. Rowling
writes a fantasy world with vivid detail that the scenes from the book come alive in your mind.
So what makes us love Harry & the series so much?
For one I always believed in Dragons and magic and the like have existed. If not literally then in some ways, for instance 'potions' class is basically chemistry, Charms & Incantation ... Poetry and literature class. Dragons may have lived in the past or may be a metaphor of sorts for the dinosaurs we do have bearded Dragons and my fave because of their name... komodo dragons (change one 'O' and it's KIModo which sadly I've come to calling them as such Hey I'm born the year of the fire dragon (1976) Bruce Lee year of the Metal dragon (as the year 2000 was)
Maybe its that J.K. Rowling's story literally takes us to a whole other world (or is it more like a dimension) where a magic world exists. She writes so many details that we feel like we are actually there and finding Daniel Radcliffe who looks just like the Harry on the original covers.
The characters are rich and multi-layered, we get to see them grow up and some have literally done so along with the characters of the series.
The Book releases were fun and in some areas like another halloween during the year. One of these releases I went to at my local Barnes and Nobles one of the cashiers dressed as Hagrid! They had activities you could do which yes leaned more toward the children but I think had one or 2 things the adults could do as well. The books gave adults (Kidults?) a reason to be a kid (or at least act like one) again even if only for a short time. Maybe I should rephrase that... I should have said felt like a kid again but I'm sure some were just big kids when it came to the book releases and getting their hands on Bertie Botts every flavor beans and Chocolate Frogs.
Series like this are a rare treat, it's hard enough to write a stand alone story that transports you to another time, or world and feel as though you are right their along for the journey beside the character.
- Harry Potter
- Hermione Granger
- Ron Weasley
- Albus Dumbledore
- Prof. Minerva McGonagal
- Rubeus Hagrid
- Draco Malfoy
- Ginny Weasley
- luna Lovegood
- Nymphadora Tonks
- Prof. Servus Snape
- Cedric
- Shemus
- Feur Delacour
- Lavender Brown
- Cho Chang
- Oliver Wood
- Moaning Myrtyle
- Bellatrix Lestrange
- Serius Black
- Parvativ & Padma Patil
- Prof. Remus Lupin
- Lilly Potter
- Neville Longbottom
- Lucious Malfoy
- Prof. Lockhart
- Tom Riddle
- 'He who must not be named" Voldermort
- Fred & George Weasley
- Dean Thomas
- Angelica johnson
- Charlie Weasley
- Percey Weasley
- Lee Jordan
- Bill Weasley
- Vincent Crabbe
- Gregory Goyle
- James Potter
- Prof. Sprout
- Sybill Treylawney
- Viktor Krum
- Colin Creevey
- Doby (House Elf)
- Peter Pettigrew
- animals
Fang (Hagrid's dog)
scabbers (Ron's Rat)
Mrs. Norris (Filch's cat)
Crookshanks (Hermiony's cat)
Fawkes (Dumbledore's Poenix)
Hedwig (Harry's Snow Owl)
- Madame Pomfrey
- Arthur & Molly Weasley
- Narcissa Malfoy
- Kreacher (House elf)
- House Founders
Rowena Ravenclaw
Godric Griffendor
Salazar Sytherine
Helga Hufflepuff
- Argus Filch
- Barty Crouch & Barty Crouch Jr.
- THe Dursleys (Petunia, Dudley, & Vernon)
- Prof. Flitwick
- Cornelius Fudge (Ministry of Magic)
- Fenrir Greyback
- Igor Karkoroff
- "Mad-eye' Moody
- Prof. Qurirrell
- Rita Skeeter
- Horace Slughorn
- Dolores Umbridge
All Harry Potter COvers
Books I WISH for
Spell book
Hogwarts a History