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Heterosexual fanfiction, where are thou?
I've been reading and writing fanfiction ever since 2005 (and hopefully improved throughout the years). I've read fics which left me banging my head against the wall because the idea was just so amazing while the writing, formatting and grammar made my eyes bleed. I've read fics with cliché plots but written in such an amazing way that I couldn't stop myself from loving them.
Recently, I found myself browsing various memes and that left me wondering. What the heck happened to heterosexual pairings?!
Don't take me wrong, I love well-written slash as every next person (in fact, I'm to be blamed for several short snippets of slash - nothing all that big, though. YET). I love every kind of well-written fanfiction as every next person. But really - what happened to female-male interaction?
I've recently started to discover fandoms of various series of Star Trek - mainly The Original Series (also The Animated Series, but the fandom is basically the same one in this) and Star Trek 2009. I was surprised about the amount of slash pairing stories.
Star Trek TOS main pairing seemed to be Kirk/Spock. That is quite understandable I think, given the amount of long eye-contact in almost every single episode, the occasions when Spock is showing emotions because of Kirk and how much is Kirk willing to risk for Spock in return. It's actually no wonder that after the five year mission Spock decided to jump the ship and remove himself from all the emotions the human crew made him feel - if for nothing else, then for all the beautiful angst it brings to fanfic authors, who can write bittersweet stories of Kirk and Spock and their doomed love. McCoy generally seems overlooked in TOS, and then there are some pairings like Spock/Chapel, maybe Scotty/Uhura (these two definitely look so nice together in TOS) or even McCoy/Chapel - but that's it. As much as nice and in-depth the female characters were, it certainly didn't bring them much love I think.
Star Trek 2009 seems even more fixated on the slash pairings. Pick Sulu, Chekov, Kirk, Scott, Pike, Spock, McCoy, Spock Prime or even Sarek - and make them into couples or threesomes and I believe you got an idea how majority of the fan fiction scene looks like. If there is heterosexual pairing, it's mostly Amanda/Sarek or Spock/Uhura and sometimes McCoy/Chapel - the latter often ends in Uhura and Spock breaking up and him finding love in the arms of the dashing Captain or gruffy Doctor. There may or may be not occasional mentions of McCoy/ExWife or Kirk/CarolMarcus - but that's it. Mentions, while the final pairing is often slash.
I love to read bromance. I love to read gay romance. But sometimes, I would love to read some heterosexual romance, or male-female friendship, too.
I would love to say something smart in the end, such as "let's restore female-man pairigs fics!" But given the fact that I'm currently working on several fanfics with slash pairing, the hypocrisy could kill me.