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Homicide 101
The beginning of her day.
Clarisa hated her boring life.
It was a routine she lived,
Over and over again.
She was quiet and kind,
To everyone she knew.
Even those she disliked.
If they only knew.
She was a firecracker ready to explode!
She put on a happy face.
She did what she had to do.
The whole time she hated it.
The stress, the job,
the financial hardship.
No help from anyone.
She was alone,
or so she felt that way.
It all was getting to Clarisa.
Her marriage was falling apart.
Too many money problems.
Her job was too stressful.
Her life was so mundane.
Too many people depended on her.
She was going insane.
Enough is Enough
The annoying calls from her family.
The bills kept coming and no one cared.
Her body was drained.
Her head always hurt.
She hated being at work.
She hated being home more.
She wanted to go away.
A nice vacation in a warm climate.
Yet, she had obligations,
not her own, but to others.
She was so resentful.
She had enough.
The Gun
Clarisa bought the gun.
She waited the two days.
Of course she had no criminal background.
Of course there was no history of psychiatric problems.
If you looked at her, well she seemed so sane.
Two days later the gun was in her purse.
But why, she asked herself.
What am I doing with this gun?
That Day
She went home, she had enough.
The arguing continued.
The phone kept ringing.
Why, Oh why can't there be peace?
Why does everyone suck the life out of her.
It got heated and the arguing turned into screaming.
She pointed the gun. She was going to fire.
She couldn't take it no more.
She pointed the gun.
She pointed the gun.
Her hand shook with fear.
She thought of her life.
She saw him shed a tear.
She realized, she loved him.
She knew she was sick.
She could not take anymore,
she needed to go.
She pointed the gun under her chin.
He tried to stop her,
but it was too late.
It was over.
She was now at peace.
The End
The police came and yellow tape went up.
The officers took his statement.
He was in tears, what could he say.
She was dead and the gun lay still in her hand.
Apparent Suicide is what the one officer said to the other.
The other responded that at least the husband was alive.
It was over and although she was at peace,
well, the family would suffer and grieve.
No one saw it coming. Or maybe they did.
Maybe she never mattered.
They would move on.
She never felt like anyone,
just someone who lived and
now she is dead.
Just another no one. Here today and gone tomorrow.
Author's Note
This story is not true. However, it could be. If you or someone you know is suffering from depression, please get help immediately. There is help our there and it is just a phone call away. Talk to a friend, a family member, a co-worker, a therapist or a hotline number. Just do it! Depression is a serious sickness that could lead to the end of this horrific story. Don't wait, get help now.