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How I Handle Writer's Block

Updated on October 9, 2012
MY Writing Tools
MY Writing Tools | Source

A Hubpages Newbie

I have been with HubPages for about three months now. I really got excited when I found the ad in my email this summer. I had a goal that I would get published this year. And I was so glad that I didn't have to pay for anything (except my internet and utility bill) and "VOILA!" I followed the "directions" and now here I am on this website, doing what I love.

I see that my hub score has been increasing, and each and every hub I have written is gaining popularity. I have a habit in checking my statistics every day. I am amazed with what I have gained with hubpages, no matter how busy my schedule has become. Regardless, whether it is with my busy work schedule, trying to keep up with my son and daughter in college, or even with marital stress, or with health issues, I always desire to write more.

I have even lost sleep to finish my hubs. I always insist on finishing what I start in one sitting. But then, for a period of time, I slowed down. I couldn't get ideas. I couldn't think of any titles. I couldn't keep my eyes open at the computer ( especially when I start my day at 5 am.) Oh my goodness!? Was I getting Writer's Block? I didn't want my scores to go down. I didn't want to miss that thrill I get when someone writes a comment. Those ideas were hard to pop into my head

My Experience With Writer's Block

Writer's Block! I used to have it when I was in school and the teacher would request for me to bring in my guitar to play for the class. I was prepared before I would get there, and then I couldn't find in my head the words to sing (maybe stage fright). So what was I to do?

I went to the store and bought new note pads. I would make sure to carry one around with me so when I would get an idea, I could write it down. I would look at things to find interesting clues, getting to know what to put on paper. Should I write on reality, or should I fictionalize?

My advise to anyone who is experiencing Writer's Block to carry a pad of paper or notebook daily. Jot down ideas, and also get a pocket thesaurus and or dictionary to keep close by- words should be interesting and elaborate. Think about how the reader will react. Put yourself in their shoes. Reviewing the terms and conditions of the website written for is always good and to sign up for any webinars or training sessions are helpful tools to writing well.

Relaxation techniques are helpful ways in preparing to write. For instance, I like to listen to music before I write. I also like to have a full stomach when I write. Although I have prolonged my hunger pangs to finish a hub. Some people like to take a walk before they write. Others bathe, or even take naps before they write. Whatever your vice is, having the correct attitude is best.

It is so nice to have ideas written on paper. I have saved just about all my poetry I have ever written on paper since my child hood. I am so glad I have a trail of memories to look back on, and now I am able to share with my new hub fans and followers. Who needs to go out to a bar or club to socialize when there is HubPages? Another remedy for my Writer's Block by just being inspired by my followers here on these web pages.

Spiritual Inspiration

St Paul has written something significant in his letter to the Philippians, chapter 4, verses 8 and 9:

" Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things. Whatever you have learned, or received, or heard from me, or seen in me-- put it into practice. And the God of Peace will be with you."

Some may find success in clearing mental cobwebs with Asian Philosophies


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